英语人>网络例句>限制 相关的搜索结果


与 限制 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cutting off and restraining systems of it are the main security mechanisms of abstractedly more restraint to defense, stronger appliance of the abstraction.


Such as van den Bergh, shares 600,331, limiting the sale of shares it shares the reduction in violations after the exchanges have been limited to 30 days are not permitted to sell transactions; and a good 10,000 10,000 (600,576,(closing price of 4.04 yuan) limiting the sale of Shareholders also because in a month to sell limited sale of shares to reach 1.03 percent, have been asked to buy back part of over-selling.

作为布宏达股份(600331,限制了它的股票出售股份的事件减少的交流后,被限制在30天内不允许这样的销售交易,以及良好的10,000 10,000(六十零万〇五百七十六,(4.04收盘价元)限制出售的股东也因为在一个月内出售股份的出售限制,达到百分之1.03,被要求回购的过度销售。

Firstly, the author starts with the basic theories of limitation of liability for maritime claims, giving descriptions of the concept of limitation of liability for maritime claims, its generation and development, its basic content and its connection with the unit limitation of liability. Basing on which and by comparing with the principle of full compensation of the traditional system of liability for civil damages, the author analyzes the unique principle of limited compensation of the system of limitation of liability for maritime claims and acknowledges the positive role such principle takes in the carriage by sea, international trade, marine insurance and salvage at sea.


Besides, the constraints such as the change rate of control variable are also considered.


Addition to outside the EU, and Japan starting in May next year the implementation of the new Food Hygiene Law, which limit pesticide residues in tea leaves also make four major changes: First, limit will be set up by the 83 kinds of pesticide residues to About 144 kinds; second is to be located outside the limits of pesticide residues in all according to "all standards" that limit is 0.01ppm; three adopted the "dry tea Law" testing; four things are clear limits excessive pesticide residues will be treated as illegal .

除了欧盟之外,日本开始在明年5月新的食品卫生法,限制茶叶中农药残留实施叶子也提出四点重大变化:第一,限制将设立农药最多的八十三种约一四四种残留,二是要在所有境外的农药残留量的限制,按照"全标准",限制为0.01ppm; 3通过的"干茶法"测试;四件事是明确的限制农药残留过量会被视为非法。

Chinese company law could be improved through unification of legal norms, clarification of the meaning of terms, and supplement of correlative regulations; Modeling on German and Japanese law, limited norms should be adopted for the object of right to address inquiries. Chinese company law should re-locate the object of right to address inquiries to matters related to topics of general meeting of shareholders. Objective standard should be adopted. Third, by incorporating elements such as beforehand written inquiry, Chinese company law could be further perfected in the area of time, venue, representation and reproduction of right of access to documents. This is a conclusion based on thorough research and summary of practice of various countries. Fourth, the author pointed out the international trend of relaxation of objective limits and specification of subjective limits, and proposed the standards for limitation and the distribution principle of inversion of burden of proof.


The fifth part is presumption about the relevant problems referring to promissory competing-for-job-prohibition in our country, therefore this part is the essence of this paper. Based on previous analysis, it proposes the plausible standard for the recognition of promissory competing-for-job-prohibition and discusses the prerequisite of the properness for the dismiss of the contract, responsibilities concerning each parties as well as the jurisdiction court.


This issue is addressed by an inrush current limiter device for limiting inrushing current to a connectable load comprising: at least one switchable IGBT-based limiter unit for selectively limiting the inrushing current, having at least one current limiting conductor element for a limited leading of current and at least an IGBT-based switch whereby the IGBT-based switch is used as well as a controlled current limiter and as a by-pass element, and at least one control device for controlling the IGBT-based switch, whereby the control device comprises at least one IGBT-based switch supply and means for realizing smooth flanks of an output signal at the selected conductor element.


The present invention relates to an inrush current limiter device for limiting inrushing current to a connectable load comprising: at least one switchable IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)-based limiter unit for selectively limiting the inrushing current, having at least one current limiting conductor element for limited leading of current, and at least an IGBT-based switch, whereby the IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)-based switch (Q2) is used as well as a controlled current limiter and as a by-pass element, and at least one control device for controlling the IGBT-based switch, whereby the control device comprises at least one IGBT-based switch supply and means for realizing a smooth flank of an output signal at the selected conductor element.


It proves that tree top leaves suffer from water stress and hydraulic limitation becomes greater with tree height.Water stress influence tree height growth in several aspects:firstly is the influence of exterior water condition,and community average tree height is positive with exterior water condition.Secondly, hydraulic limitation influences individual tree structure and function.Xeromorphic structure,Lower water potential and turgor pressure limit cell division and expansion,which restrict gas exchange and carbon assimilation capability.However,respiration consumption increases with the spread of tree crown.Shortage of nutrient limits carbon investigation on new leave growth and may ultimately limit tree growth.Thus,the main limitation of tree height is water.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
