英语人>网络例句>阿斯图里亚斯 相关的搜索结果


与 阿斯图里亚斯 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brenga Astur is a band from the celtic region of Spain known as Asturies.

Brenga Astur 是一支来自西班牙的名为阿斯图里亚的凯尔特地区的乐队。

My host family cheerfully introduced me to various friends and neighbours, and within a few days my little social network had offered me access to underground poetry readings, pickup baseball games, and—on one fateful afternoon—a bagpipe performance at the Asturian Federation in central Havana.


He has also been awarded the 2005 Prince of Asturias Award of Sports, the youngest to receive the prize.


In 2008 she received the Concord Prince of Asturias Award.


This reminds me of Asturias Guatemala writer of a famous saying: Only those who brave people calm in order to get through the darkness and usher in a bright.


The biggest share of winning tickets was bought by people in the town of Nava, in the north-western Asturias region.


I am coming from Asturias, a small country in the north of Spain, with a strong celtic background, and where the bagpipe is the typical instrument.


In between, he was followed around by members of his fan-club from the Asturias, resplendent in custom-made Goodwood 2005 t-shirts, and his ever-busy bodyguards!

期间,他被来自阿斯图里亚的车迷俱乐部的、穿着定制的GOODWOOD 2005 t恤的成员包围着,还有总是忙碌着的保镖也一直围着他。

Asturias, a sliver of northern Spain that rests on the Bay of Biscay, calls itself "The Land of Cheese."


All this meets reinforced with the proper delegations of Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Asturias, which together, with distributors' wide network for every province, offer a total coverage of the national geography.


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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

In effect, an 18 foot King Cobra could actually look down onto the average human being.


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