英语人>网络例句>金融界 相关的搜索结果


与 金融界 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BOHO Club mainly receives elite members from the mainstream of all circles, such as government officials, entrepreneurs, financiers, experts, top executives, creative designers, fashion designers, scholars, consultants, artists, connoisseurs, gourmand, journalists, entertainment stars, social activists and other dignitaries, and requires that members should be with open mind, good faith, cooperative, tolerant and responsible, and at the same time have certain achievements and resource advantage.


This system is the first case in Shannxi financial circles, it gets good managemental benefit, implements IT system's concentrating management of Shannxi construction bank and automatic control, improves the work efficiency, and reduces the risk.


The Archbishopof York, the country's second senior prelate, has condemned traders who cashedin on falling prices as "bank robbers and asset strippers." Thegeneric trader makes a good whipping boy:"It does make me angry that thissituation has been created by greedy, irresponsible, feckless city boys,"says Katherine Walker, 27, who works in publishing,"The financial worldhas been acting in a megalomaniacal fashion and deserves to be taken down a pegor five. This is a terrible situation for the average hard-working family. Ithappened to my family in the 90's during the last downturn and affected usdeeply for years."

英国位居次席的大教主约克大主教,则把趁火打劫的经纪人称为&抢银行的和打家劫舍的&,而普通的交易员找到了更好的替罪羊:&这真让我愤怒,是贪婪,无能,不负责任的城市男造成了这一切,&27岁出版社工作的Katherine Walker说,&金融界一直有狂妄自大的风气,是该灭灭他们的威风了,对于那些努力工作的普通人家来说现状真是可怕,上次90年代的经济衰退我家就赶上了,影响了我们好几年。&

Over the past 10 years, with the impact on the international capital flowing highly and international financial crises outbreaking frequently, the problem of exchange rate regime choice of China is on the core issues in dispute particularly after the major reform of the exchange rate system in July last year .


Then all the people began to wake up to the ponderance and fall to investigate the better ways to measure and manage the financial risks.


Most observers, regulators included, concede that banks can do little to stop determined individuals from sidling around some controls. But miscreants should be found out long before matters get as far out of hand as they did at SocGen.


Similarly, financial regulators should leave the re-regulation of cross-border banking until later, at an international level, rather than beggaring their neighbours by grabbing scarce capital, setting targets for domestic lending and drawing up rules with long-term consequences now.


In financial circles, this is called the "portfolio effect."


They seriously analyze the economic trend of country these years, studying the policy regarding China's Securities Regulatory Commission exerting rebuilding of shares right of public company; estimating the capacity of social funds and investment; conjecturing the investing psychology; predicting correctly the China's stock market will have great rise recently.


This Congress convenes the world's top business , government and financial leaders from Asia, Europe


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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

In effect, an 18 foot King Cobra could actually look down onto the average human being.


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