英语人>网络例句>酸的 相关的搜索结果


与 酸的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To explore the effect of high serum concentration of bile acids on energy metabolism of liver.Methods Bile acids were continously infused into the Wistar rats to simulate the serum concentration change of patients with obsturctive jaundice.Serum bile acids concentration,arterial blood ketone body ratio and energy charge of liver were determined.Results Aterial blood ketone body ratio and energy charge of liver decreased with the increase of serum bile acids concentration.Conclusion High serum concentration of bile acids plays an important role in hepatic fumction injury caused by biliary obstruction.

目的 探讨高胆汁酸血症单一因素对肝脏能量代谢的影响方法经Wistar大鼠颈内静脉持续给予外源性胆汁酸,升高其外周血清中胆汁酸浓度,模拟阻塞性黄疸患者外周血清中胆汁酸的变化规律,观察腹腔动脉血酮体比值及肝组织能荷变化,时间一周结果随外周血清中胆汁酸浓度的升高,腹腔动脉血酮体比值、肝组织能荷均呈进行性下降结论高胆汁酸血症时肝脏能量代谢受损,表明在阻塞性黄疸患者肝功能损害中高胆汁酸血症起了重要作用

In this paper, the effects of different catalyst combinations on the synthesis of α-chloro-dodecanoic acid were investigated, in which a series of acyl chlorides such as 4-toluene sulfonyl chloride, dodecanoyl chloride, chlorosulphonic acid , etc.


Results\ The levels of some essential amino acids like valine,leucine and histidine were significantly lower than those of normal controls.

结果 血透患者在透析前的必需氨基酸除苯丙氨酸外均较正常对照组降低,其中以缬氨酸、亮氨酸和组氨酸下降为显著;非必需氨基酸中精氨酸、甘氨酸和鸟氨酸明显升高;酪氨酸/苯丙氨酸和丝氨酸/甘氨酸的比值较对照组明显降低。

Results showed that the RFAs in DCS of Masson pine CTMP were mainly composed of oleic acid,linoleic acid,DHA,pimaric acid,abietic acid and oxidized products of DHA.The ratio of fatty acids to resin acids in FR-DCS,CTMP-DCS,BCTMP-DCS were 1:2.8,1:2.1 and 1:3.8,respectively.


In the absence of organic solvent and phase-transfer reagent, the catalytic oxidation of cyclo- hexene to adipic acid with aqueous 30% hydrogen peroxide can be achieved in the presence of tungstic acid/acidic organic additive.

以钨酸/有机酸性添加剂为催化体系,在无有机溶剂、相转移剂的情况下,催化 30%过氧化氢氧化环己烯合成己二酸。当钨酸∶有机酸性添加剂∶环己烯∶过氧化氢=1∶1∶40∶176(摩尔比,钨酸用量为 2.5 mmol)时,使用有机酸性添加剂考察钨酸的催化性能,结果表明以钨酸/间苯二酚催化氧化环己烯的催化效果最优,反应 8 h 时己二酸分离产率达 90.9%、纯度为~100%;而不使用有机酸性添加剂时,己二酸分离产率只有 72.1%,产品纯度为 96.2%。

The patients with methylmalonic acidemia and homocystinuria should be mainly treated with vitamin B12, betaine and L-carnitine, while the patients with isolated methymalonic acidemia should be treated with protein restriction, the special milk formula without isoleucine, valine, methionine, and threonine, and be given L-carnitine.


As results, the contents of three original pimaric-type resin acids, namely pimaric, isopimaric and sandaracopimaric acids, generally decreased, the higher the initial content with the higher the temperature and longer time, the faster the content declined.


The results showed that the phosphotungstic had better catalytic activities than the silicotungstic acid. As for the supported HPAs, the silica gel support HPAs' catalytic activities were higher than the activated carbon support HPAs.


Eight phenolic acids in Satsuma mandarin during maturity were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with photodiode array detector in this study, which were:protocatechuic, p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, caffeic, p-coumaric, ferulic, sinapic and chlorogenic.


Results: Good linearity was observed in 6~1512μmol.L-1 range for phenylalanine, the intra-run and inter-run imprecisions w ere 3.68%and 4.01%, the recovery rate was 98.6%; good linearity was observed in 5.4 ~1380.0μmol.L-1 range for tyrosine, the intra-run and inter-run i mp recisions were 1.87%and 2.59%, the average recovery rate was 98.9%.

酪氨酸的线性范围为5.4~1380μmol.L-1,最低检测浓度为0.7。μmol* L-1,平均回收率98.9%,批内CV为1.87%,批间CV为2.59%。健康儿童血清苯丙氨酸浓度为(61.4±10.8)μmol.L-1,血清酪氨酸浓度为(131.8±28.0)μmol.L -1。健康成人血清苯丙氨酸浓度为(69.3±8.6)μmol.L-1,血清酪氨酸浓度为(83.6±9.4)μmol.L-1.4例苯丙酮尿症患儿的血清苯丙氨酸浓度为1296~1759μmol.L-1,血清酪氨酸为29.5~53.5μmol.L-1。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
