英语人>网络例句>边缘化 相关的搜索结果


与 边缘化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In conclusion, there are anomalistic phenomenons in Chinese security market. It is because of the serious institutional limitation of Chinese stock market. From various statistic data, Chinese stock market is marginalized. We should pay enough attention to it.


A strong wave of anti-intellectual started to spring up, as a result, intellectual's status in society was marginalized promptly.


In the minds of many, such a tripartite pact is also code for marginalising the British Conservatives, now that the Tories have formed a new antifederalist group, the "European Conservatives and Reformists", with a band of mostly east European allies.


As the main body of desire, the physical body experiences apartness, gloominess, pressure and edged emotional feelings, which we never met before.


On one hand, through translation underprivileged cultures benefit a lot in terms of scientific, technological and academic development, but on the other hand, their negative influences on underprivileged cultures are also great: the fast expansion of privileged cultures makes underprivileged cultures gradually marginalized, assimilated and fall into an aphasic state in cross-cultural exchanges, thus leading to the dominant position of privileged cultures, especially Anglo-American culture in the world, a status quite unfavorable for the mutual supplement and co-prosperity of all cultures.


We, the missionaries, inspired by the charism and mission of the Incarnate Word, choose to live in community and walk in solidarity with the economically poor and marginalized, in order to be transformed by them and to transform unjust social structures that keep people economically poor and marginalized.

" "我们,传教士,灵感来自charism和使命降生Word中,选择生活在社会和走在声援经济贫穷和边缘化的境地,为了改变他们并把不公正的社会结构,使人民的经济贫穷和边缘化的境地。

My thesis is structured into two independent projects: one is to discuss the effects of outsourcing on unemployment and changes in relative wages, and the other focuses on the issue of whether outsourcing leads to Taiwan deindustrialization.


The pro-homosexual movement can only marginalize us if we allow ourselves to be marginalized.


Chinese writers have been marginalized over the past century in various ways; for mainland writers from 1949-1979, the marginalization resulted from ideology; for Chinese writers neglected in the canon of world literature, the cause was Western ethnocentricity; and for specific writers, the sanctions have resulted from the prejudice of Orientalism and of Occidentalism.


And that was the subcultural moment, and they developed as it were a theory of resistance, for that moment, in that context.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
