英语人>网络例句>西红柿 相关的搜索结果


与 西红柿 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And yes , just like the brinjaul and the pumpkin , botanically speaking it is a fruit , not a vegetable . More than 60 million tons of tomatoes are produced per year ,16 million tons more than the second most popular fruit , the banana .


Numerical simulating of the regulation was made. The mathematics model of water movement and the experience model of water absorbing were constructed for tomato, basing on the study on the characteristic of its root distribution. Movement of soil water was simulated, and the front of nitrogen was forecasted, using the piston flow model.


The robots also are programmed with a rudimentary growth model of the cherry tomato plants, which tells them roughly when a tomato will be ripe enough to be picked.


The two companies also helped Red Gold, a food manufacturer, develop a control system for a "cookroom" used to make tomato products such as ketchup and canned tomatoes.

这两家公司还帮助一家食品制造商Red Gold公司的一个制造间开发了一套控制系统,用于生产西红柿产品,例如调味番茄酱和罐装西红柿

In this paper, orthogonal tests were conducted to study cut-tomato preservation with short-time microwave treatment. It was found that the vacuum packaged cut-tomato only reached low temperature of pasteurization after short-time microwave treatment, but it could be preserved for a long time under normal atmospheric temperature. The optimal treatment parameters were determined. The parameters are solution contains 0.12%vitamin C and microwave treatment time is 54 s; The image processing of samples were carried out to get color histograms and corresponding color mean, and effects of the method were explained with certain value. Effects of package on tomato were analyzed; it was considered that cut-tomato would be packaged with lightproof package.

通过正交试验对切分西红柿进行了微波处理常温保鲜的试验研究,得出了真空包装的切分西红柿在微波短时处理后只达到巴氏杀菌的低温杀菌温度,却得到能长期贮存的品质优良的样品的结果;确定了这种方法的最佳处理参数,其最佳参数为0.12%维生素C处理时间为54 s;对样品进行图像处理,得到色彩直方图和色彩均值,用确切的数值说明保鲜方法的保鲜作用;分析包装对西红柿保鲜的影响作用,认为切分西红柿应采用避光包装保存。

The multinucleate cells of striated muscle .Some 30,000 people filled the streets of Bunol on Wednesday to hurl 120 tons of tomatoes at each other, the mayor's office said, in the traditional Tomatina de Bunol festival.


Among civilized people it was once thought that ginger root by some magical power could improve the memory. Eggs were thought to make the voice pretty. Tomatoes also were believed to have magical powers. They were called love apples and were supposed to make


Among civilized people it was once thought that ginger root by some magical power could improve the memory. Eggs were thought to make the voice pretty. Tomatoes also were believed to have magical powers. They were called love apples and were supposed to make people who ate them fall in love.


The FDA continues to warn against consuming any raw red plum, raw red Roma, or raw red round tomato that hasn't come from a state or country on the FDA's safe list but if you've eaten tomatoes with the vine still attached, cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes, you're in the clear.


A few weeks later, I was back in Bradley County to work the tomato vote again at Warrens annual Pink Tomato Festival, and I entered the tomato-eating contest.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
