英语人>网络例句>脚步声 相关的搜索结果


与 脚步声 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I throw open my windows and from the yard outside came the hot uncommon sounds of bibulous laughter and unsteady steps.


Soon we could hear their footfalls as they ran, and the cracking of the branches as they breasted across a bit of thicket


Soon we could hear their footfalls as they ran, and the cracking of the branches as they breasted across a bit of thicket.


You will call me, like music, out of burrow.


Yours will call me,like music,out of my burrow...


Yours will call me,like music,out of my burrow.


He creaked to and fro, tiptoing up nearer heaven by the altitude of a chopine, and, covered by the noise of outgoing, said low


I heard a clump on the stairs.


When the count thought Franz had gazed sufficiently on this picturesque tableau, he raised his finger to his lips, to warn him to be silent, and, ascending the three steps which led to the corridor of the columbarium, entered the chamber by the middle arcade, and advanced towards Vampa, who was so intent on the book before him that he did not hear the noise of his footsteps.


Suddenly the schooner in front of me gave a violent yaw, turning, perhaps, through twenty degrees; and almost at the same moment one shout followed another from on board; I could hear feet pounding on the companion ladder; and I knew that the two drunkards had at last been interrupted in their quarrel and awakened to a sense of their disaster.


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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

In effect, an 18 foot King Cobra could actually look down onto the average human being.


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