英语人>网络例句>联邦主义 相关的搜索结果


与 联邦主义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By the 1850s abolitionism was growing in the North, and when the antislavery Republican candidate A. Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the Southern states, one after another, seceded to protect their right to keep slaves.

到了 19 世纪 50 年代,废奴主义在北方日渐赢得人心,1860 年,反对奴隶制的共和党候选人 A林肯当选总统之后,南方各州便相继脱离联邦,以维持其畜奴的权利。

"By the 1850s abolitionism was growing in the North, and when the antislavery Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the Southern states seceded to protect what they saw as their right to keep slaves"


"By the 1850s abolitionism was growing in the North, and when the anti slave ry Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the Southern states seceded to protect what they saw as their right to keep slave s"


"By the 1850s abolitionism was growing in the North, and when the antislavery Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln was elect ed president in 1860, the Southern states seceded to protect what they saw as their right to keep slaves"


While deciding a case, an executive adjudicator is not subject to federal rules of evidence nor is bound by hearsay rule.


In the US,high crime rate,lynching tradition in the south and having never been ruled by the Nazi are all reasons why the public opinion is in favor of death penalty,which exerts a deep influence on politicians.the US Supreme Court and district courts as well as the prosecution.In China,deteriorate social order,ceremonialist tradition,ancestral ideas and lack of the Enlightenment spirits make public opinion strongly support death penalty,which in turn has great impact on the party in power,the legislature,the judiciary and the prosecution.


American constitutional lawsuit pokey has reflected the notion of check and balance of power and has realized a dynamic check and balance of power through the practice of judicial activism or judicial restraint in the process of constitutional lawsuit in American courts.especially the Supreme Court.


It tries to transcend the debate on European integration between intergovernmentalism and supranationalism by focusing on the actual operation of the Euro-polity. It views EU neither as an international organization nor as a quasi-federal state, but regards EU as a multi-level governance system in which national, supranational and subnational players are collectively involved in European governance and share the authority jointly.


When the Soviet Union dissolved, he was out, Boris Yeltsin became Russia's president, he supported a corporatist state and adopted Chicago School fundamentalist "shock therapy" masquerading as "reform." Its former apparatchiks cashed in big along with a new class of "nouveaux billionaires"(called "the oligarchs") who strip-mined the country's wealth and shipped it to offshore tax havens.

当苏联解散了,他被列,叶利钦成为俄罗斯联邦的总统,他支持一个社团主义国家,并通过了芝加哥学派原教旨主义&震荡疗法&伪装为&改革&,其前apparatchiks套现大,随着新一类& nouveaux亿万富翁&,条带开采该国的财富,并运到境外避税。

When the Soviet Union dissolved, he was out, Boris Yeltsin became Russia's president, he supported a corporatist state and adopted Chicago School fundamentalist "shock therapy" masquerading as "reform." Its former apparatchiks cashed in big along with a new class of "nouveaux billionaires"(called "the oligarchs") who strip-mined the country's wealth and shipped it to offshore tax havens.

当苏联解散了,他被列,叶利钦成为俄罗斯联邦的总统,他支持一个社团主义国家,并通过了芝加哥学派原教旨主义&震荡疗法&伪装为&改革&,其前apparatchiks套现大,随著新一类& nouveaux亿万富翁&,条带开采该国的财富,并运到境外避税。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
