英语人>网络例句>翩翩起舞 相关的搜索结果


与 翩翩起舞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There's a moment in the Disney classic , Cinderella , when the ragamuffin heroine lays claim to her wayward glass slippers and Prince Charming adoringly sweeps her into his arms and waltzes her away .


Dances amorously upon your proud belly.


As he watched the Sea Goddess Amphitrite dancing, something stirred in him, and he tried to approach her in his usual violent way.


That night, on going to bed, I forgot to prepare in imagination the Barmecide supper of hot roast potatoes, or white bread and new milk, with which I was wont to amuse my inward cravings: I feasted instead on the spectacle of ideal drawings, which I saw in the dark; all the work of my own hands: freely pencilled houses and trees, picturesque rocks and ruins, Cuyp-like groups of cattle, sweet paintings of butterflies hovering over unblown roses, of birds picking at ripe cherries, of wrens' nests enclosing pearl-like eggs, wreathed about with young ivy sprays.


They may be Cinderella's golden shoes, filled with sparkling crystal ordinary girl become a fairy princess; may be taken to Little Red Riding Hood in the hands of the flowers, Every petal spilled a happy childhood years in girls; may be a girl clothing skirt on the light beating bow, with the pace of growth in dance.


We walked with light footsteps, dancing, like a pair of swallows flying briskly, free and happy.


Whether you want to dine on beet-root carpaccio, sip Dom Perignon rosé, dance to club music or clad yourself in Russian retro-kitsch fashions from the nation's most famous designer, the new resto-boutique of Denis Simachev has it all.

用餐中你是否想吃甜菜根生牛肉片,喝粉红香槟王(Dom Perignon rosé),是随着夜总会音乐翩翩起舞,还是用时装装扮你自己,这里有俄罗斯最著名的服装设计师设计的回归媚俗的俄罗斯时装。

Brinjaul at the east of wall is most steady-going. They are stretch out in all directions, which very likes a maiden with small purple and blue hat and dressed in a purple and blue skirt dancing elegantly on the breeze and showing beauty, chubbiness, youth, charm only belong to maiden to people.


She's scantly clad, I think I'd say. She's dancing to some very soft music.


How they dance in the court yard.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
