英语人>网络例句>统驭 相关的搜索结果


与 统驭 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Greek mythology, Aeacus, or Aiakos ("bewailing" or "earth borne") was king in the island of Aegina in the Saronic Gulf and was so far-famed for the righteous sense of piety and justice with which he ruled over his people that his judgment was sought all over Hellas, so much so that, that after his death, he was appointed one of the judges of the shades in Erebus, with Cretan Minos and Rhadamanthus.

在希腊神话中, Aeacus,或Aiakos("叹息"或"来自大地")是Saronic湾中的岛国Aegina之王,他以虔诚正直的判断力统驭人民,亦因此而声名远播,全希腊都仰望他的判决。他在死后,和克里特的米诺斯,拉达曼提斯,一起被指定为冥府的判官。

The bipolarity is the universal natural definition, dominating all the physical evolvements.


It was the instrument of government as well as the supreme authority over the gens, the tribe, and the confederacy


Pastoral Crosier - The emblem of a shepherd's watchfulness over his flock, an d denotes episcopal jurisdiction and authority.


In the derivation of the governing equations we will introduce how to use the Hamilton's principle of least action to account for added mass effects.


In Greek mythology, Aeacus, or Aiakos ("bewailing" or "earth borne") was king in the island of Aegina in the Saronic Gulf and was so far-famed for the righteous sense of piety and justice with which he ruled over his people that his judgment was sought all over Hellas, so much so that, that after his death, he was appointed one of the judges of the shades in Erebus, with Cretan Minos and Rhadamanthus.

在希腊神话中, Aeacus,或Aiakos(&叹息&或&来自大地&)是Saronic湾中的岛国Aegina之王,他以虔诚正直的判断力统驭人民,亦因此而声名远播,全希腊都仰望他的判决。他在死后,和克里特的米诺斯,拉达曼提斯,一起被指定为冥府的判官。

Me sits there with his augur's rod of ash, in borrowed sandals, by day beside a livid sea, unbeheld, in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars


Me sits there with his augur's rod of ash, in borrowed sandals, by day beside a livid sea, unbeheld, in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars.


Save, O Lord, and have mercy according to the multitude of Thy bounties, on all priests, monks and nuns, and on all living in virginity, devotion and fasting, in monasteries, in deserts, in caves, on mountains, on pillars, in hermitages, in the clefts of rocks, and right faith in every place of Thy dominion, and devoutly serving Thee, and praying to Thee.


It is only under the control of economizing economy that circular production can function correctly, at the same time, as one wrong theory," circular economy" can not be complementary with the theory of economizing economy.



Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
