英语人>网络例句>组成代谢的 相关的搜索结果


与 组成代谢的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is important in metabolism as a component of the lipid s that make up cell membranes and of acetylcholine


It is important in metabolism as a component of the lipids that make up cell membrane s and of acetylcholine


In addition, a metabolic inhibitor, actinomycin D has no effect on enzymatic activities of caspase-1/ICE-like and caspase-3/CPP-32/like proteases during Fas-mediated CD4〓T cell apoptosis. These results indicate that the appearance of caspase-1/ICE-like and caspase-3/CPP32-1ike proteases activities is a post-translational activation of these proteases. It is likely these caspases constituently express in a inactive form in the cytosol of CD4〓T lymphocytes. Once the rest SEB-responsive CD4〓T cells are restimulted, those inactive caspases such as caspase-1/ICE-like and caspase-3/CPP32-1ike proteases are sequentially cleaved to become active forms, and the apoptotic signal is transducted to downstream signaling molecules, Finally leads to CD4〓T cells apoptosis.


PON has been shown to be closely associated with lipometabolism by protecting LDL from oxidative modification,decreasing level of ox-LDL and destroying lysophospholipid of ox-LDL .


Plant alkaloids, which constitute one of thelargest group of natural products, provide many pharmacologically active compounds.


The ECA Stack is a component found in thermogenic weight loss pills, composed of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin working to speed up the metabolism and thus cause calories to burn faster and result in weight loss.


In these fields, much attention has been given to development of apparatus of microfluid chip and capillary electrophoresis, injection technique, coating technique and separation matrix.


Roots had different effects on belowground biological processes, especially the metabolic potential of soil bacterial community.


Methods: Ninty-one aged patients were divided into 3 groups according to the level of GH: high-level group (62 caese). normal-level group (45 caese) and low-level group (30 cases).


Results The rate of dietary iron absorption in young Tibetan men was 13.4%±6.4% with good linear correlation between daily fecal excretions of iron tracer and Dy.

铁有4种天然丰度组成相对固定的稳定性同位素(stable isotope,SI),共同池理论认为各种同位素在人体内的代谢完全等同[1]。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
