英语人>网络例句>着迷 相关的搜索结果


与 着迷 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Someone who is charismatic is someone who draws you in, someone who makes you feel interesting and fascinated.


But, yeah,|I like to think that I charmed her.


I'm so charmed.


Which, like a cherubin, above them hovered.


In the early 20th century, right about the time he was making his first big splash as an international violinist, Kreisler composed this Tambourin Chinois. Each measure of the three-sectioned Tambourin Chinois is every bit a violinist's delight, offering ample opportunity to indulge in both technical frippery and sentiment.

上世纪20 年代,克莱斯勒在美国旧金山期间,曾经到当地唐人街观赏过中国华侨表演的"华埠音乐",特别是花鼓音乐最令他着迷,取其节奏,创作了这首颇具东方风格的小提琴曲。

As a choirboy, Herbert would sit enthralled at the curate's sermons which would be full of tales of Arctic adventure rather than the more conventional biblical stories.


It's why wine has fascinated the world for centuries and cider hasn't.


I attended the Philadelphia Orchestra concert here in Eugene last week. The "big" piece was supposedly Berlioz's "Symphonie Fantastique," with Mozart's "Sinfonia Concertante" as the first half warm-up act. But I found myself more delighted and entranced by the Mozart. I was particularly taken by the exquisite tone and phrasing of the clarinetist. I'd never heard a clarinet sound so lyrical and delicious before!

我参加了上周费城交响乐团在 Eugene 的音乐会,音乐会的重头戏是伯辽兹的幻想交响曲,但是我发现自己更被音乐会序曲——莫扎特的 Sinfonia Concertante 所吸引,特别是单簧管演奏家高雅的音调和悉尼的演奏风格让我格外着迷,我从来没有听过单簧管演奏得如此热情而精致。

I'm into arcade machines – I've got a Sega Rally 2 Twin machine and one of those coin-operated fortune-telling machines you see at fairgrounds.


Not bad for a boy from Colchester so mad on aeroplanes that he knew at age of eleven that the worlds busiest airport, Heathrow on the outskirts of London, was the place he most wanted to be.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
