英语人>网络例句>电话网络 相关的搜索结果


与 电话网络 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is based on network data extraction and cutover order script, many problems during the cutover of fixedline telephone network are considered.


Subsequently, he held the position of Head of Section for international switching at the Telecommunications Centre at Darmstadt. He then became project leader and Head of Section for the digitalization of the telephone network and the introduction of ISDN in the former Federal Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in Bonn and then Head of Department back at the FTZ in Darmstadt for telephone and ISDN Technology, Planning, Operation, Testing and Services.


An RF signal is sent to the nearest base station, which sends the signal to a digital telephone exchange and on to the main telephone network.


Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone added to the system, so


According to its Web site, Vecima Networks manufactures and sells products that enable broadband access to cable, wireless and telephony networks.

"据其网站, vecima网络",制造并销售产品,使宽带接入以有线,无线和电话网络

Mobile-phone ne twork, completed months a head of schedule, s truck a n awkwardly dis cordant note.

电话服务。Telstra 的第三代先进移动电话网络比原计划提前了数月就投入使用,场面甚为隆重,可即便如

Through the star communication network of VSAT Ku wave band was set up and linked with distance-controlled telephone network at the base, so as to realize the free communication between production unit field and management department at base, at same time, by using the information system of exploration production. it is realized that the specific data processing such as log profile along with drilling well, well logging curves, playback of log second data, real lime data of log instrument, and oil-testing data, geophysical data as well as web releasing function, with the geological data, the daily report of drilling well and oil-testing released onsite together, the dynamic information platform of exploration management has been established, which provides leaders at various level, research personnel and managers with an integrated, abundant data, dynamic information platform along with drilling.

通过建立VSAT Ku波段星状通讯网络,并将其与基地程控电话网络相连,一方面实现了野外生产单位与基地通讯的畅通;另一方面,应用勘探生产信息系统实现随钻录井剖面图、测井曲线、录井秒数据回放、录井仪实时数据及试油、物探资料等专业数据的处理及Web发布功能,与现场生产传输系统发布的地质、钻井、试油日报共同作为勘探动态管理信息平台,为基地各级领导、研究人员、管理人员提供了一个集成的、具有丰富资料的井场随钻动态信息平台。

The RTU-250 Radio/Telephone Interface Unit interfaces the transmitter and receiver of a radio system to a telephone network so that phone calls may be relayed over a radio link.


Automatic dial means that it can send help voice through public telephone switch network to the bureau.


The 3G Network is a cell telephone network, and later on it embraced internet access, plus video telephony too.

此外, 3G网络是一个细胞电话网络,以及后来它拥抱互联网接入,以及视频电话了。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
