英语人>网络例句>生活者 相关的搜索结果


与 生活者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, it rejected the less restrictive measures of curatorship and tutorship. In particular, the Israeli law recognizes two types of cases in which a court may appoint a guardian over an adult. The first type represents the remains of the common-law influence, allowing the court to nominate a guardian over adults who suffer from mental disability or mental illness, In such cases, the guardianship is full and total in the sense that the ward loses his or her legal rights in all spheres of life. The second type reflects the influence of continental law, authorizing the court to nominate a guardian over a person and/ or property once a finding is made that a person is unable, permanently or temporarily, to take care of his affairs, all or some........


A work of great difficulty to himself, requiring much prudence, zeal and meditation, and to the natural and corrupt man will be very unpleasant ; yet he is to endeavour to perform it in such a manner, that his auditors may fell the word of God to be quick and powerful, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart; and that, if any unbeliever or ignorant person be present, he may have the secrets of his heart made manifest, and give glory to God.


Even if the person on the receiving end of a lie isn't closely tied to the fibber, the one deceiving still has to keep track of―and live by―those lies.


More often it is grim: almost everyone, it turns out, was informing on the Martons, from neighbours to the nanny. Through it all, her father baffled his persecutors, who could not believe that the suave, stylish polyglot was just what he claimed to be: a hard-living, hard-playing newsman. His undoing came when a traitor in the American embassy reported that he had lent to officials there a copy of an official document, the state budget. Not exactly a secret, but pretext enough to send him to be broken in the AVO's dungeons.


Secondly,* The legislative, or supreme authority, cannot assume to itself a power to rule by extemporary arbitrary decrees, but is bound to dispense justice, and decide the rights of the subject by promulgated standing laws, and known authorized judges: for the law of nature being unwritten, and so no where to be found but in the minds of men, they who through passion or interest shall miscite, or misapply it, cannot so easily be convinced of their mistake where there is no established judge: and so it serves not, as it ought, to determine the rights, and fence the properties of those that live under it, especially where every one is judge, interpreter, and executioner of it too, and that in his own case: and he that has right on his side, having ordinarily but his own single strength, hath not force enough to defend himself from injuries, or to punish delinquents.


Results When they discharged from hospital 44 cases were in fine clinical symptoms, and 2 cases were half hemiparesis paresis, 1 case was in right wits while could not charge himself well, 3 cases who complicated hydrocephalus convalesced fine through cerebrospinal fluid bypass operation.

结果 出院时临床状况良好者44例,轻度偏瘫者2例,眼睑下垂无改善者2例,神志清楚但生活自理能力差者1例。3例术后脑积水经分流术后恢复良好。

Bob lives together since childhood with Harker is adding the iris town, was the Harker childhood's playmate, the stature is not high, the hair from was born curls the volume, the eye was very big, the skin was very white, always likes putting on the suspenders trousers' his stature not to be high actually has the keen skill, the present is the brave warrior number operates the rudder, raised casually in here, the brave warrior number was their pirate ship, was also their family, in here, had the partner billy always to put on the identical set of western-style clothes, not the big bow tie, he was very actually graceful, high stature, fair skin, beautiful blue color eye, high bridge of the nose, will smile will let the human remember the fine thing, he will have gentleman's quiet and tasteful, also will have free man's profligate being unable to restrain, no matter which young lady let perhaps the woman looks could be infatuated with his -- him to be skilled in the seacraft, could precise draw each sea area the sailing chart, he was the brave warrior number navigation teacher, partner Du duly, the braid has covered entirely on his head, his eye a little looked like a bean, both hands is not big, actually could make compared to imperial palace delicacy food, what was worth mentioning, he was a thin person -- also has the partner to love Milly, he was Bob's younger sister, beautifulLong curl, big and attractive brown eye, long, but curls the eyelash, the beautiful skin, the beautiful beautiful fascinating' winsome's stature dances lightly in the sea!


I burned for the more active life of the world — for the more exciting toils of a literary career — for the destiny of an artist, author, orator, anything rather than that of a priest: yes, the heart of a politician, of a soldier, of a votary of glory, a lover of renown, a luster after power, beat under my curate's surplice.


After I saw you article,I can't image you are so youngIf wake up the people who just begin a dream,even though they have enough sleep totally,they may become testiness and figety.


The hard life of the disabled, the bad education conditions of the mountain area children, the loneliness and the helpless of the street sleepers, the confession voices of the delinquent children, the expecting eyes of the orphans… all these make my soul unrestful and sad.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
