英语人>网络例句>玩伴 相关的搜索结果


与 玩伴 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The most well known story of how the daughters of Achelous became sirens is that they were playmates with Persephone and when they refused to help search for her when she was abducted, they were turned into birds.


I had every hope that he would be a companion and playmate for Banjo , my Australian Shepherd .


Mr. Barrie, I understand you've become playmates of my grandchildren .


Mr Barrie, I understand you've become playmates of my grandchildren.


I know not what playmate of mine in the sky sends them down the air to race with my boat!


Country cousin to come to our house to play, I know there are playmates, and I thought to say nothing of how happy.


For, said they, the buds are the children of the flowers, and the little playful streams that gambol down the hillsides are the children of the water; and the smallest bright specks playing at hide-and-seek in the sky all night, must surely be the children of the stars; and they would all be heart-broken to see their playmates, the children of men, no more.


For, said they, the buds are the children of the flowers; and the little playful streams that gambol down the hill-sides are the children of the water; and the smallest bright specks playing at hide and seek in the sky all night, must surely be the children of the stars; and they would all be grieved to see their playmates, the children of men, no more.


If you play with someone on the playground, the person is your playmate.


Children will relate to this predicament as the newcomer to a game frequently ousts the originator and takes over. In spite of this they become playmates. In fact, Dan's sister's imagination clearly comes into play as the adventure increases in its complexity to include 'pirate clowns juggling plates, while others sing sea-shanties, tell truth-whispering tales and feast on pig, yams and fig'.

但孩子们常会面临新加入的玩伴时常会剥夺起源者的权力并接管整个游戏的处境,尽管这样,他们还是成为很好的玩伴,事实上,正当其他小孩在唱著水手歌,说著海上故事和享受猪肉,马铃薯和无花果大餐, Dan的姊姊,脑海里却浮现了日益复杂和与众不同的剧情&小丑海盗表演牌子杂耍&。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
