英语人>网络例句>特有的 相关的搜索结果


与 特有的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are morethan 730 amphibian species in Brazil, 467 of which are endemic to theregion.


It shows well-defined wavelengths which are characteristic of the structure of the metal forming the anode.


There's a kind of apartheid which involves music, which I think is unique to this time.


The patterns and forms are completely arbitrary, and it is arguable as to what is universal and what is culturally defined.


Besides the Grados being a "neutral, detailed, and warm-sounding headphone overall, with extended frequency extremes, wide dynamic range, and the ability to sound natural at a wide range of volume levels," BJR found the SR125s "simultaneously musical and revealing of every nuance recorded," but never aurally or physically fatiguing.


Esides the Grados being a "neutral, detailed, and warm-sounding headphone overall, with extended frequency extremes, wide dynamic range, and the ability to sound natural at a wide range of volume levels," BJR found the SR125s "simultaneously musical and revealing of every nuance recorded," but never aurally or physically fatiguing.

ob 使用SR125监听自己的录音时发现这只耳机的真正特色,除了具备Grado特有的"中性、精致、温暖的声音特质,加上优异的高低频延伸、宽广的动态范围与在任何音量下皆能发出自然的声音的能力","它同时地保有音乐性和能发掘出录音讯息中的细微差别",但决不会引起听觉或身体上的疲劳。

Five species: one species endemic to tropical Africa, three endemic to Madagascar, one pantropical; one species in China.


The United States has not intervened in currency markets since two thousand.


Intranets are company specific and do not have to have a physical connection to the Internet.


The phenomena he mentions stem from the police state, and are not typical of National Socialism, even if it was typical of the Nazis to revert back to them.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
