英语人>网络例句>特徵 相关的搜索结果


与 特徵 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this thesis, a micro-featured surface was used as a carrier and coated a thickness of 1500 angstrom ITO to form an electric conductive film for further electroform.

本研究乃利用现已成熟的电铸技术,在微特徵光阻表面镀上一层厚为1500的铟锡氧化膜(Indium Tin Oxide,ITO),让微特徵表面形成导电膜,以利微特徵结构进行电铸。

The proposed 2DSABS features can (1) avoid the bias problems of transforming the information into linear combinations of bands as does the traditional principal components analysis;(2) select each band by a simple logical operation, called CE feature scale uniformity transformation, to include different classes into the most common feature clustered subset of bands;(3) provide a fast procedure to simultaneously select the most significant features, and therefore dramatically improve the eigen-decomposition computational complexity.


Because the vertebrates express anatomical characteristics consistently during the process of fetation, many researchers conjectured ancient vertebrates by the characteristics of the animals living nowadays and speculate the origin and the process of evolution.


Boundary features are the boundary lines of a group of points distributed on a fitting feature.


The key technique in the MUSIC algorithm is the signal subspace extraction which can be found from the eigen decomposition of the sample covariance matrix of the antenna receive signal. The eigen value decomposition of a Hermitian matrix is implemented by using the QR algorithm, and the signal subspace is constituted by collecting the significant eigen vectors.


In order to further extract open contour segment, such as circular arc, from a closed contour, a technique that combines parameters identification and contour vertices extraction was put forward.


In the image processing , the noise filter principal of the digital logical circuit is used to enhance the image background characteristics . And the average of grey-leveland standard deviation are also adopt to increase the contrast of image , such that the identification rate is improved .


Breast cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death for Taiwanese women. X-ray mammography is currently the most effective method for an early diagnosis of the breast cancer. The existence of spicules is one of most important visual signs for breast cancer diagnosis. Spiculation is a stellate distortion caused by the intrusion of breast cancer into surrounding tissue. In general, malignant tumors appear with rough and complex boundaries or contours, whereas benign masses present smooth, round, or oval contours.In this paper, we present a technique to detect the contours of spiculated lesions from the regions of interest in a mammographic image.


With the new and improved user guidance, you can create patterns faster, modify them later, and reuse your user-defined features such as pockets and slots – far beyond the predefined machining features already included in CoCreate Modeling.


In this regard, the research trend of globalization of competition has been positively open up. In this paper a novel simulated annealing feature uniformity band selection approach is proposed for the feature extraction of the hyperspectral remote sensing images. The simulated annealing band selection method has been successfully applied to the feature extraction of the hyperspectral images by clustering highly correlated hyperspectral bands into a smaller subset of band modules based on simulated annealing algorithm. SAFU built by SABS is an efficient feature extraction method.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
