英语人>网络例句>检查官 相关的搜索结果


与 检查官 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But to make them a libel, there is, according to Mr. Attorney's doctrine, no more wanting but the aid of his skill in the right adapting his innuendoes....


Or if some person should publicly repeat, in a manner not pleasing to his betters, the tenth and the eleventh verses of the fifty-sixth chapter of the same book, there Mr. Attorney would have a large field to display his skill in the artful application of his innuendoes.


Or if some person should publicly repeat, in a manner not pleasing to his betters, the tenth and the eleventh verses of the fifty-sixth chapter of the same book, there Mr. Attorney would have a large field to display his skill in the artful application of his innuendoes.


If a libel is understood in the large and unlimited sense urged by Mr. Attorney, there is scarce a writing I know that may not be called a libel, or scarce any person safe from being called to account as a libeler, for Moses, meek as he was, libeled Cain; and who is it that has not libeled the devil?


Which most das would say proves intent to traffic.


This after prosecutors declined to charge three white teenagers who hung nooses in a tree on high school grounds.


In this situation the reviewers can become more like censors than assessors.


The attorney general of the state , Bill Lockyer, discussed the case on national television Tuesday.

加州首席检查官Bill Lockyer在周二的国家电视上讨论了这一事件。

The attorney general of the state, Bill Lockyer, discussed the case on national television Tuesday.

首席检查官Bill Lockyer周二在电视上讨论着这起事件。

In addition there are independent firms of surveyors and average adjusters, whose business is to examine claims and report to their principals how they should be settled, while insurers may also have recourse to other experts, such as solicitors, doctors and engineers.


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Certain types of sockets are ''connectionless'', most commonly


Take it in to his nibs yourself .


HoMedics has been around for just over 20 years, and yet in that time they have become recognized as a leader in the health and wellness industry.
