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与 核 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Model of water supply networks dynamic simulation is finished through analysis of parameter simulation and characteristic of big city.


Department of Plant Pathology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100094


The content of the irregular bigger drop phase approached to pyrope. It showed that the crystallization and phase separation mechanics of the glass was the nucleation-and-growth transformation and the crystallization is bulk crystallization. The activation energies of phase separation and crystallization were calculated by the modified Kissinger method, about 310.445 KJ/mol and 249.26 KJ/mol respectively. Using the aluminum hydroxide as the reference, we calibrated the phase separation exothermal enthalpy of the quenched and nucleation treated glass, ca

钠镁侣硅系统徽晶玻瑞快速徽晶化机理的研究利用上式求得混合系统中两相的单位体积相变自由能、两相间的表面能和相互作用参数,分别为刁。6753xlo3了zcm3·、3ss.gozzem3、5.316xlo一JzcmZ和一442 xlol,进而求得球形的临界半径为nnm,以及一个临界的成自由能变化为2石89 x10一14/cm3;成半径16.5纳米时,球形稳定存在,实测 1752个球形中最小半径为20纳米,与计算结果基本吻合。

All these problems still need to be solved. So, towards the IP Core interface compatibility of SoC Bus standard, this thesis, based on analyzing the interconnection of IP Cores, researches the software capsulation of IP Core Bus interface layer, and implements the IP Core interface layer of embedded system developing platform which is based on layers. In this thesis; the design method, flow, and environment of SoC based on IP demultiplexing is explained. While in order to improve the integration of IP Core on SoC, interconnection rules of IP Core and its standardization are researched.


The PRL-like cells were also presented in the ventral ependyma of the lateral ventricle and the glial lamina in the basal surface of the brain. The processes of PRL-LIR cells in PPN, SCN, PVN and PAN mainly projected to the third ventricle, those in AN and ELV mainly projected to the lateral ventricle, and those in SON to the glial lamina in the basal surface of the brain. The results showed that PRL could be released into ventricularis system and participate in the regulation of the cerebrum-cerebrospinal fluid circuit.


Results Many neuronal cell bodies and fibers with dense mGluR7-like immunoreactivity were intensely distributed in the island of Calleja,hippocampus,dentate gyrus,medial habenular nucleus,olivary pretectal nucleus,zonal layer of the superior colliculus,superficial layers of the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus,paratrigeminal nucleus,raphe magnus nucleus,raphe nucleus pallidus,locus coeruleus,superficial layers and lateral spinal nucleus of the spinal cord.

结果 mGluR7阳性浓染的神经元胞体和纤维主要密集分布于Calleja岛、海马、齿状回、内侧缰、橄榄顶盖前、上丘带状层、三叉神经尾侧亚浅层、三叉旁、中缝大、中缝苍白、蓝斑、脊髓背角浅层和外侧脊

SFO stimulation induced stable and significant drinking behavior and Fos protein expression in 8 areas of the forebrain (organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, median preoptic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, lateral hypothalamic area, perifornical dorsal area, substantia innominata and thalamic reuniens nucleus), and in 3 areas of the hindbrain (area postrema, solitary tract nucleus and lateral parabrachial nucleus).


After HRP application to the rostral area (n=10), quite a number of labelled cells were distributed at the ventrolateral part of the nucleus of trapezoid body, the lateroventral periolivary nucleus and the retrotrapezoid nucleus. After HRP application to the caudal area (n=10), HRP labelled cells were mainly located at the lateral reticular nucleus and the ventral part of at the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus LPGi. After HRP application to the intermediate area (n=6), only 8HRP labelled cells were observed at the in 6rats. After HRP application to the control area (n=4), only 6HRP labelled cells were found at the rostral ventrolateral reticular nucleus.


The Na_2SeO_4 and Na_2SeO_3 lead tothe existence of micronucleus and the abnormality of the nuclear. In the Na_2SeO_4 group,nuclear pycnosis and nuclear fission occurs, and in the Na_2SeO_3 group, nuclear pycnosis andnuclear concavity are the main symptoms.

导致红细胞产生微异常, Na_2SeO_4暴露染毒组异常主要表现为固缩与裂解,Na_2SeO_3暴露染毒组则主要表现为固缩和内凹。

Results: In the 13 cases, the CT diagnosis show that five cases of low-density lesions of Bilateral hepatolenticular, five cases of globus pallidus, one case of Bilateral hepatolenticular with corpus callosum, one cases of External capsule putamen, one case of Putamen with the caudate nucleus, three cases of low-density of Bilateral lobi frontalis and lobi parietalis, one case of unilateral putamen hemorrhage, three cases of cerebral atrophy.

目的 探讨双侧基底节区对称性低密度病变的CT诊断价值。方法回顾性分析肝豆状变性5例、中毒性病变5例、Wernicke脑病2例、Huntington氏大舞蹈病1例的CT平扫表现及临床意义。结果 13例中,CT示双侧豆状低密度5例、苍白球5例、双侧豆状伴胼胝体1例、壳伴外囊1例、壳伴尾状1例;双额顶叶低密度3例、单侧壳出血1例、大脑萎缩3例。

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He knows that he's one of the mostdominant players in the NBA right now.


Using analysis method of BCG , the dissertation analyzed the management of voluntary service organizations .


A caret is a mark place below a line to show where something should be put in .
