英语人>网络例句>杰出的 相关的搜索结果


与 杰出的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That the place of historical truth in the legal process is indeed only secondary is no doubt acceptable legal doctrine—otherwise it would scarcely be possible for a distinguished lawyer to express his admiration ofthe success of another distinguished lawyer in obtaining an "almost impossible" verdict , as Lord Hailsham once did to the late Lord Birkett.

这毫无疑问是一条必须接受的法律原则。——否则一个杰出的律师几乎没机会表达他对另一个赢得"几乎不可能"的裁决的杰出律师的仰慕之情。就像 Hailsham 大法官对已故的 Birkett 大法官所做的那样。

Its various structures - the pyramid of Kukulkan, the Temple of Chac Mool, the Hall of the Thousand Pillars, and the Playing Field of the Prisoners – can still be seen today and are demonstrative of an extraordinary commitment to architectural space and com

城内至今仍可见的古迹主要有库库尔坎金字塔、Chac Mol寺庙、千柱林和囚犯竞技场。这些建筑在空间和造型组合上均充分体现出了玛雅人杰出灵动的建筑意识。而金字塔本身,则是众多玛雅寺庙中最后、也是最杰出的代表作。简而言之–奇琴伊查是膜拜和知识的象征。

The three sons of Micki Colfax, a teacher, all won scholarships to Harvard, went on to achieve brilliant academic success and became poster children for the home schooling movement.

米其 -考尔福克斯是一位教师,他的三个儿子都是带着奖学金进入哈佛大学的,并继续取得了杰出的学术成就,成为家庭教育运动的杰出代表。

Chen Yun is crackajack proletarian revolutionist, it is the prominent leader of party and country.


He used poetry as a weapon, which gave a faithful representation of the years when be lived.

陈独 秀是中共创始人,是杰出的思想大师,也是一位杰出的诗人。

Today it is generally recognized as Faulkner's greatest success and one of America's greatest works of literature.


Outstanding American evangelical missiologists have been Rufus Anderson, the nineteenth century popularizer of the indigenous church ("Missions are instituted for the spread of a Scriptural, self propagating Christianity"); Kenneth Scott Latourette and R Pierce Beaver, two outstanding authorities on the history of missions and younger churches; Donald A McGavran, the founder of the Church Growth movement; Eugene A Nida, the expert on Bible translation and the cross cultural communication of the Christian faith; J Herbert Kane, the prolific writer of primary texts on all aspects of the Christian mission; and George W Peters, the creative biblical theologian in the Mennonite tradition.

杰出的美国福音派missiologists已rufus安德森, 19世纪popularizer的土著教会("任务,是为向蔓延的一个圣经,自我宣扬基督教");丁斯科特latourette和R皮尔斯海狸,两位杰出当局对历史特派团和年轻教会;司长一麦加夫兰,创办的教会增长运动;尤金一奈达,专家对圣经翻译与跨文化交际的基督教信仰; j赫伯特凯恩,多产作家,小学文本的所有方面基督徒的使命和乔治W彼得斯,创造性圣经神学家,在门诺派的传统。

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) is one of the most outstanding writers in English literature.

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf,1882-1941)不仅是20世纪英国最杰出的女作家,也是西方最杰出的女作家。

The first award came in 1995-1996 for "Outstanding Technology in Education" In 1999, Deakin won its second award when it tied with the University of Wollongong to win the 1999-2000 prize.


Criteria: The Defense Distinguished Service Medal is awarded for exceptionally distinguished performance of duty contributing to national security or defense at the highest levels while assigned to a joint activity.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
