英语人>网络例句>有吸引力的特征 相关的搜索结果


与 有吸引力的特征 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At Brompton, a premium is placed on quality control and customization is also an appealing feature; 3 handlebar styles, the choice of single, 2, 3 and 6 speeds plus the option of lightweight titanium parts being some of the more important options available.

在布朗普顿,讲究质量控制和定制置于也是一个有吸引力的特征; 3车把样式,单,2,选择3和6的速度,加上轻钛被一些地区选择较重要的可供选择。

As a candidate logic switch for nanoscale memory circuits and similar devices, the silver whisker switch has several attractive features


This is, for China and other multiracial countries, very positive and may give some solutions for the future. In the introduction there is an explanation of the reason why I choose this title and also the questions about Switzerland in the field of present research and the meaning of those researches. The first part describes the formation of the community of Switzerland, and there I define the word "community" and the peculiarity of each member of this community, the time the Swiss people take to build this community. The second part describes this formation with more details like geographical problem, language differences, the psychological pugnacity for liberty, the practical art of neutrality and the freedom for religious behavior. Those themes prove the formation of the Swiss community. The third part contains the following topics: the international position of Switzerland and its stability, the balance of economic production, the foundation of the Swiss government and the charm of its feature. For those topics I use the economic, political and cultural angle.


An attractive niche is characterized as follows: The customers in the niche have a distinct set of needs; they will pay a premium to the firm that best satisfies their needs; the niche is not likely to attract other competitors; the nicher gains certain economies through specialization; and the niche has size, profit, and growth potential.


The guys they find appealing tend to have characteristics that are attractive in the short term, which include some flirtatious behaviors, he says. He's not sure why women behave this way, but it follows that men who bed ovulating women have a greater chance of procreating and passing on those flirty genes, which means those babies will have more babies, and so on.


Wheares under buffer pH5.2, there is no strong static electricity and instead being a longer wavelength movement; SDS\'s participation just restricts the relative movement of heme\'s ethylene; a new fluorescent peak forms and the reduction of enzymatic activity is due to the packing of micella\'s formation.



Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
