英语人>网络例句>映像 相关的搜索结果


与 映像 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, a complex mapping function is devised to transform the contour surface of an arc crack to a unit circle on the auxiliary plane.


In this paper, a complex mapping function is devised to transform the contour surface of an arc crack to a unit circle on the auxiliary plane. By substituting the mapping function into it governing boundary equation, the complex stress functions can be obtained as


A Lipschitz strictly pseudocontractive map from a nonempty closed convex subset of a Hilbert space into itself was showed to have fixed points, Ishikawa and Mann iterative sequences with errors of a Lipschitz strictly pseudocontractive map was introduced and the iteration processes strongly converges to a fixed point was proved.

证明了在Hilbert空间中的非空闭凸集上Lipschitz严格伪压缩映象有不动点,介绍了Lips-chitz严格伪压缩映像下的的具误差的 Ishikawa和Mann迭代序列并证明了其强收敛性于不动点,其结果把非扩张映像推广到Lipschitz严格伪压缩映象上,改进了一些相关结果。

Ehrlich noticed that in this sense the butterfly was reflected in the plant, and the plant was reflected in the butterfly.


In this graduation thesis, I want to point out how they become success in such a terrible circumstance and the artistic characteristics of their films. I will seek the film's esthete characteristics from the distance between the text and spectator, their character's destiny from the controversy, the relationship between the "Milky way Image" and the "New Wave Film of Hong Kong" the plot Mode of those people's work "Milky way Image" creates its own unique brand of cinema.


The program can defragment drives manually, or fully automatic in the background, keeping your system at peak performance by avoiding build-up of file fragmentation.


At the same time, by applying the continuous selection theorem and fixed point ...


Based on the common symbolic dynamic method, a novel time-varying symbolic dynamic method is proposed. The Logistic map is used to test the properties of the method.


Footage was even shot for another episode with her in the role, but due to a contract dispute between her and Saban Entertainment, the footage was scrapped, the episode's rewritten and re shot.


Our evaluations show that there is about 200 kbytes sharable objects between program images.

实验显示映像档平均有200 Kbytes的物件可以共享,这些物件平均占整个映像档17%。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
