英语人>网络例句>无髓的 相关的搜索结果


与 无髓的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The notable proliferation was not observed by eyes in the local of injection. The infiltration of inflammation cells and mild proliferation of fibrocyte around dura mater was observed by HE stained in 4 and 8 weeks after injection. Infiltration and exudation of inflammation cells was observed by HE stained in epidural nerve root. Compared with group A, no changes of group B, C and D were observed under specific stained. Proliferation of type Ⅱ collagen fibers around dura mater was seen under immunohistochemical stained in 4 and 8 weeks after injection. There is no significant demyelination changes under LFB stained. The thickness and shape of the myelin sheath in epidural nerve root was not regular under transmission electronic microscopy in 4 and 8 weeks after injection. Fibroblast was also seen there. In nerve endometrium, macrophage could be seen under TEM, myelinated nerve fiber changed significantly, but nonmyelinated nerve fiber changed mildly. When 8 weeks, the changes of group D is smaller than the group B and C.


Results: Among the 47 cases, 33 cases were teeth pulpless tissue including 14 endodentically treated teeth and 14 cases were vital teeth with periodontitis, cracked tooth and occlusal traumatism.


A large number of myelinated nerve fibers and a small number of unmyelinated nerve fibers regenerated.


SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA : The use of quantitatie sensory testing can detect damage to the myelinated A-delta fibers and the unmyelinated C-fibers.


Unmyelinated nerve fibers dominated in number in each nerve tract although there were both myelinated and unmyevinated nerve fibers there. Schwann's cells were related to the development and structure of the two fiber types.


In this paper, we first analyze the mechanism of action potential propagated alongan unmyelinated fiber, and present a hypothesis that the velocity of transmembranecurrent is the equivalent of the propagation velocity of action potential. Then usingthe H-H model and the cable equation we obtain the formula of the velocity. Insuccession, we apply a similar method to analyze the mechanism of action potentialpropagated along a myelinated fiber. Using the McNeal model and the CRRSS model,we obtain the formula of the velocity.

接下来,应用与无髓鞘神经纤维相类似的方法,分析了动作电位在有髓鞘神经纤维上的传递机制,同样得出了可用跨膜电流的移动速度来等效动作电位传递速度的结论,利用 McNeal 模型和 CRRSS 模型,建立了有髓神经纤维在兴奋传递期间等效电路模型,并推导出了速度的计算模型。

RESULTS: Chitin tubes containing NGF successfully induced the nerve regeneration, regularly arranged myelinated and unmyelinated axons could be observed across the 8 mm gaps, and the myelin sheath was thick with clear lamellar structure at 8 weeks after operation, The regenerated nerve fibers increased and were more mature at 16 weeks after operation.

结果 实验侧术后8周,再生神经中有髓和无髓神经纤维排列整齐,有髓神经的髓鞘厚,板层结构清晰;术后16周,再生神经中有髓和无髓神经纤维数量增加,形态接近正常神经。

Especially, the number of type Ⅰ complex terminals which come from unmyelinated afferent fibers recovered to the level of unoperated side. It indicates that morphine may promote the collateral sprouting and synaptic reinnervation of primary afferent fiber, unmyelinated afferent in particular. 4. Although the collateral sprouting and synaptic reinnervation were shown also in spinal cord of operated side in 34 days spared root rats, they were slower than that of morphine spared root group.


Results: The male patients appeared more than females in spinal cord AVMs, but the occult intramedullary AVMs had the same morbidity The patients with intramedullary AVMs and perimdeullary AVF were younger, in contrast, patients with dural AVF were usually older than 40 years of age. The intra - medullary AVMs were most common located in the cervical and thracic - lumbar spinal cord, the perimedullary AVF and dural AVF were most seen in the low thracic of lumbar region. The most common initial symptom associated with intramedullary lesions was accute onset where as the progressive aggravation was the most common presenting symptom in cases of dural AVF. The prognosis of the patients with intramedullary lesions had hemorrhage was worse than who without hemorrhage.

结果:脊髓AVM s中,隐匿型AVMs无明显的性别差异,余各类型男性均多于女性;髓内AVMs、髓周AVF以青少年多见,硬膜型AVF发生于中老年;髓内AVMs多见于颈髓及胸腰段脊髓,髓周AVF及硬膜型AVF多见于胸腰段;髓内AVMs以急性起病多见,髓周AVF表现为进行性加重,少数可急性发作,硬膜型AVF以慢性起病多见;髓内出血者预后较无出血者差。

Results Under our experimental conditions, three kinds of NO donors when in lower concentrations could not cause obvious changes of axons while when the concentration of DETA NONOate was doubled, it could induce the non-selective demyelination and Wallerian degeneration of both sensory and motor nerve fibers.

结果:在本实验条件下,应用三种NO供体的低浓度,都不能引起大鼠坐骨神经轴突的改变;将DETA NONOate浓度加倍则可导致轴突脱髓鞘和沃勒变性,但对有髓鞘纤维和无髓鞘纤维并无选择性作用。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
