英语人>网络例句>文明的 相关的搜索结果


与 文明的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Please be civilized, after all, this is a modern civilized society.


The interactions among peoples of different civilizations enhance the civilization-consciousness of people that, in turn, invigorates differences and animosities stretching or thought to stretch back deep into history.


Civilized system is an important part of world civilization.


President Lin Chun-shin pointed out that many science fiction stories often suppose the great variation in human civilization between now and hundreds of years later (e.g. self-thinking robots and massive waste pollution), assuming the continuous development of industrial civilization. However, the financial tsunami since 2008 was ringing the death bell for industrial civilization. Human beings could abandon the lifestyle and industrial products of high-energy consumption, meaning energy consuming robots and massive waste that drowns out the living environment were unlikely to happen.


Alteration of Spanish tomate 西班牙语 tomate的变化 from Nahuatl tomatl 源自那瓦特语 tomatl It has been said that the real contributions to world civilization were made by the unknown inhabitants of the Americas who domesticated plants such as the potato and squash and not by the great pre-Columbian civilizations, including that of the Aztecs.


In an article first published in Foreign Affairs in 1993 and then expanded into a book, Huntington foresaw the shape of the post Cold War world. The war of ideologies would yield to a civilizational struggle of soil and blood. It would be the West versus the eight civilizations dividing the rest—Latin American, African, Islamic, Sinic, Hindu, Orthodox, Buddhist, and Japanese.

最初发表在1993年&外交事务&杂志上的一篇文章就是《文明的冲突》的雏形,而在那篇文章中亨廷顿已经预见到了后冷战时代的世界格局,意识形态的战争将导致一场&鲜血与祖国&(blood and soil,曾经的纳粹口号)的文明冲突,那将是西方世界与余下的其他8个文明的对抗----拉丁美洲、非洲、伊斯兰国家、中华、印度、东正教、佛教和日本。

The trend of doubting ancient history thought which arising in early 20th century cut away and rebated half of Chinese history,the Axial Age theory resumed the validity of the various scholars in later Zhou Dynasty,and went on disregarding the government and official scholars of the San Dai Dynasty,hut the government and official scholars of San Dai Dynasty just is the headstream of the various scholars in later Zhou Dynasty even of the whole Chinese civilization.

追溯民初以来学者早已开始的东西文明比较,更多关注的是在古埃及、古巴比伦、古印度和中华文明的第二阶段上。20世纪初兴起的疑古思潮将中国古史&砍掉一半&、&打个对折&,&轴心时代&理论则恢复了晚周诸子学的合法性,但它同时 ssbbww。 com 继续漠视三代王官学,而三代王官学正是晚周诸子学乃至整个中华文化的源头。&轴心时代&理论与中华文明对接中的偏差,其影响将是流与源的颠倒、反题与正题的倒置和各期学术史的逐次错位。

On the other hand, those who h文明用语e a tendency to le文明用语e their IEM cord coiled up without use for 2-3 weeks at a time like I do may h文明用语e a hard time uncoiling this one afterwards (had to hang it off the back of my chair to get rid of the loops).


The focus is on the Classics of Greco-Rome culture, Christianity of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and the Age of Rediscoveries and Colonization. This course is intended to bring to students early periods and styles of Western civilization, so to enlighten students to the early secularism (Greco-Rome Culture) as well as Christian-ity, then finish by viewing the Renaissance in it's rediscovering of classics and rising of humanism.


It is of important significance of 'Manifesto of Communist Party' for the theory on material civilization,spiritual civilization and political civilization.


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Do not gum up the work by telling mother what we are going to do .


In recent years, application of the partial prestressed concrete beam s is developed.


Gorky once said:"If it is not a book, I'd be stupid and indecent drowning."
