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与 数学家 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes, and built the A-bomb.


Luoxia Hong arithmetic is 600 years earlier than the similar method put forward by the Indian mathematics and is 1600 years earlier than the theory of continued fraction put forward by the Italian mathematics.


Leopold Kronecker, a prominent German mathematician (and one of Cantor's teachers) described his student as a "scientific charlatan", a "renegade" and a "corrupter of youth"; his work was a "disease" from which mathematics would surely be cured some day, thought French mathematician Henri Poincaré.

著名德国数学家Leopold Kronecker对这位学生的描述是:"科学上不懂装懂的人"、一个"叛徒","一个败坏青年";法国数学家庞加莱认为此人的成果是一种有朝一日数学必将被治愈的"疾病"。

A man without conversation was liable to find himself devalued, whatever his other qualities:"In England it was enough that Newton was the greatest mathematician of the century," wrote Jean d'Alembert, a French philosopher and mathematician;"in France he would have been expected to be agreeable too."

一个缺少交谈的人很容易发现自身已经贬值,不管其他品质如何优秀。法国的哲学家数学家Jean d'Alembert写道:在英国牛顿被普遍认为是本世纪最伟大的数学家,不过如果到了法国的话,则只能指望被一般认可了。

When it was checked this year and confirmed to be correct, mathematicians around the globe breathed a sigh of relief. Mathematicians' work in this area in the last three decades was predicated on the principle that the fundamental lemma was indeed accurate and would one day be proved.


Over the past few years, Ngo Bao Chau, a Vietnamese mathematician working at Université Paris-Sud and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, formulated an ingenious proof of the fundamental lemma.


In 1987, the well-know mathematician Yousef Alavi and other famous mathematicians defined a new decomposition of graph-Ascending Subgraph Decomposition which is on the condition of proper subgraph isomorphic, and in the same paper they proposed the following ASD conjecture: every graph of positive size has an ASD.

升分解(ascending subgraph decomposition,简记为ASD)是1987年闻名世界的数学家Alavi与其他几位著名数学家给出的一种在真子图同构意义下的图的新分解,并且在同一论文中他们还提出了一个升分解猜想:任意有正数条边的图都可升分解。

GuoShouJing his ancestors in the Yuan Dynasty in China are well-known astronomer, mathematician, hydraulic engineering experts, he advanced mathematics, spherical geometry, triangulation has become highly literate, living in the home environment such郭伯of jade, from the favorite Math, especially for simpler and quicker abacus, but also aroused the interest of his research, he studies at abacus are enormous achievements, the Qing Dynasty famous mathematician Mei-ting in the "ancient Yan count slightly," Chu said plate of law, began in the early Ming郭伯jade, jade郭伯abacus at laws on the tremendous contribution to the world people have been referred to as "beads set of laws," the creators


In a related spirit, if you are trying to prove some ambitious claim, you might try to first look for a counterexample; either you find one, which saves you a lot of time and may well be publishable in its own right, or else you encounter some obstruction, which should give some clue as to what one has to do in order to establish the claim positively (in particular, it can "identify the enemy" that has to be neutralised in order to conclude the proof).


He is so staggered by his foundings that he stopped and carved the basic formulas on the bridge, and it is said that they still remain on the stone to this day.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
