英语人>网络例句>故意杀人 相关的搜索结果


与 故意杀人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Public prosecution mechanism thinks, authentic of fact of crime of bloodguilty of do violence of small the Qin Dynasty, answer to investigate its criminal duty with intended homicide.


According to the note on the classification of offences included in all issues of the Uniform Crime Reports, ' murder and non-negligent manslaughter' is said to comprise all wilful felonious homicides as distinguished from deaths caused by negligence.


It's not clear if Tilikum, the killer whale, was attacking on purpose or was merely agitated.

这条杀人鲸 Tilikum 是故意发起攻击还是仅仅被激怒了,我们不得而知。

This appear'd so clear to me now, that nothing was a greater Satisfaction to me, than that I had not been suffer'd to do a Thing which I now saw so much Reason to believe would have been no less a Sin, than that of wilful Murther, if I had committed it; and I gave most humble Thanks on my Knees to God, that had thus deliver'd me from Blood-Guiltiness; beseeching him to grant me the Protection of his Providence, that I might not fall into the Hands of the Barbarians; or that I might not lay my Hands upon them, unless I had a more clear Call from Heaven to do it, in Defence of my own Life.


According to the judicial practice in China,the "unserious" cases of the intentional homicide crime s refer to those committed under indignation,under long persecution or abuse of the victim,or under the request or promise of the victim.


Brendan Sokaluk, faces charges of arson causing death, intentionally lighting a bushfire and one count of possessing child pornography.

Brendan Sokaluk 面临着纵火杀人,故意放火的控告,和摆布儿童进行色情表演的罪状。

"It's like surgery,"he says,We don't call those deaths homicides because the doctors didn't intend to kill their patients,although they risked their death.


Instead, her arrest last month on suspicion of voluntary manslaughter erupted into an online furor that turned her into a national hero and reverberated all the way to China 's capital, where censors ordered incendiary comments banned.


On the question of the quality or seriousness of breach of the duty , at common law , in the case of involuntary manslaughter , the breach had to amount to more than mere ordinary or simple negligence –gross negligence was essential In Washington.however RCW 9.48 060 (since amended by Laws of 1970 .ch, 49 ,s.2 ) and RCW 9.48 .150 supersede both voluntary and involuntary manslaughter as those crimes were defined at common law .

在普通法中,就违法的性质和严重性而言,过失杀人案听违法程度比仅仅是一般的或者简单的过失要大---必须有严重的过失然而,在华盛顿, RCW 9.48 。060 (自从在1970年被修正以后,见第四十九章、第二节)和 RCW 9.48 150 法规的制定取代了普通法中所定义的非预谋故意杀人和过失杀人罪。

Methods: MMPI was used to test the personality of 20 malingerers, 40 violent offenders with schizophrenia and 40 schizophrenic patients without criminal records.


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He knows that he's one of the mostdominant players in the NBA right now.


Using analysis method of BCG , the dissertation analyzed the management of voluntary service organizations .


A caret is a mark place below a line to show where something should be put in .
