英语人>网络例句>抽象 相关的搜索结果


与 抽象 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any class with an abstract method is automatically abstract itself, and must be declared as such.


My art style is basically to depict my unconscious world in an abstract form that is derived from Automatism of the Abstract Expressionism.


And abstract nouns were categoried as: nominal abstract, verbal abstract and adjectival abstract nouns.


The modern physics development by to the concrete material embodiment inspection, moved towards to the abstract material abstract research, namely from specially moves towards general, its utilizes the mathematical instrument is also same, moves towards mathematics from physical mathematics physics, already developed the abstract algebra and the general analysis situs, from bad on the one hand said, the physicist because of lost the concrete material object to change confusedly, was at a loss how to proceed, from was good on the one hand says, the research technique from specially moved towards general, also caused its thinking mode to have the return, tended to the philosophy, this speaking of the physics, was one kind of significant crisis, but at the same time, Also is a brand-new development turning point.


Long int readData(Buffer * pBuffer,/* pointer to the abstract buffer */ byte * pOutput,/* pointer to the output byte array */ long int offset,/* offset of the output byte array */ long int arrayLength /* size of available output byte array */){ while (there is something more to read and there is room for output){ read from the first memory block; if (the first memory block is empty){ delete the first memory block from the linked list and free its memory

在 清单 5 中,该函数销毁性地从 pBuffer 所指向的抽象缓冲区最多读取 arrayLength 个前导字节,并在内存块变为空时从链表中删除它们,然后返回成功读取的字节数目。如果需要,您可以实现一个类似 readData 的函数来允许非销毁性的读取。实现一个函数来返回当前存储在抽象缓冲区中的字节数目,这样可能会带来好处。清单 6。返回抽象缓冲区中的字节数目

In the paper we generalize the while-rule in Hoare calculus to an infinite one and then present a sufficient condition much weaker than the expressiveness for Cook'2 relative completeness theorem with respect to our new axiomatic system.


By introducing the generating method and the expanding method,a complementary abstract state space can be constructed using the generating method on goal state once and the expanding method several times in turn.They are useful tools for designers to construct the complementary abstract state space in an easy way,where the complementarity of abstract states means that each ground state can only be represented by one abstract state and all the ground states can be represented by all the abstract states.


The authors extended the representing framework Rof the KRA model so as to divide the perception into primary perception and abstraction perception. In the process of primary perception,Wunder the primary perception system P is mapped as P where the attributes of the objects in Wdo not change. In the process of abstraction perception, Wunder the abstraction perception system P* is mapped as P*. The objects in P*are abstraction objects, the types of which are related to the abstraction objects database predefined by the agent.

针对KRA抽象模型的表示框架进行扩展,将感知过程分解为初步感知过程和抽象感知过程两部分:初步感知过程将该模型提供的一个框架R表示世界W在初步感知系统P的作用下映射为P,该过程不改变W中具体对象的实体属性;抽象感知过程将P在感知系统P*的作用下映射为P*, P*中的对象称为抽象对象,抽象对象的类型根据感知者预先定义的抽象对象库Oa的不同而不同。

In the third part , the author defines the legitimation of the judicial review to the abstract action . the author analyses the experience of constitutionalism of typic foreign countries and the defects of the devised control system to the abstract actions in china , and deems that it is necessary to establish the system of judicial review to the abstract action


We generally divide abstraction into two categories, namely, cold abstraction represented by Malevich and Mondrian and hot abstraction represented by Pollock and De Kooning. Both of them adopt a positive expression_r_r.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
