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与 承认书 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Could you forward the acknowledgement of this material to me?


Admittedly, there was little in the book that was appropriate for me.


He made a distinction between the "homologoumena"– those confessed, agreed upon, and the "antilegomena"– those disputed, spoke against.


Former Major League Baseball player Jose Canseco is sworn in Former star player Jose Canseco acknowledged in a recent book that he took steroids.


The treasurer of the state of new jersey, do hereby certify that, Paulette Biancemano the officer whose name is subscribed to the certificate of acknowledgment, proof or affidavit attached to the annexed instrument, was at the time of taking said ackonwledgment, proof or affidavit a notary public, in and for the state of new jersey, duly commissioned and sworn and was, as such , an officer of said state, duly authorized by the laws thereof to take and certify the same, as well as to take and certify the proof and acknowledgment of deeds and other instruments.

确实是比较多的。原文一水儿的大写字母,还没有什么标点符号,我自己翻了一下,请能者指教新泽西州财务主管据此作出保证,Paulette Biancemano,即在公证书上签名的公务员,依附于附属文件的证据或誓词是在出具所说的承认书时,公证人员的证据或誓词。在新泽西州以及代表新泽西州,正式委托、任命的一位所说州的办公人员,被相关法律正式授权以出具和证明上述证据或誓词以及出具和证明行为和其它文件的证据和承认书

And, I confess, I love the look and the smell of books.


On the whole, it must be acknowledged that the book is a near-perfect one and the characters breath vivaciously throughout its entire span. I will therefore end by saying of the book in its Trinidadian English diction: it good!.


If the specifications have any change in approval sheet will be not notify.




Each category is illustrated with an example from literature. The librarian in Robert Musil's "The Man Without Qualities" explains that reading any particular book distracts from what is truly important: the relationship between all books. Paul Valéry, who eulogised Marcel Proust despite brazenly admitting he had only skimmed the writer's work, claimed this critical distance better enabled him to comment on it.

对每个类别,作者用了一个文学例子进行阐述:在Robert Musil写的《The Man Without Qualities》一书中的图书管理员说道:无论看哪本书都会让人忽视一点,即:所有书之间的关系; Paul Valéry曾高度赞誉过Marcel Proust ,尽管他大胆承认只是略看了Marcel Proust 的作品。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
