英语人>网络例句>我 相关的搜索结果

与 我 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Relax's time,I would hope use favorite way to spent it,The end of the morning's course,When my partner Jane said to me,It so happened have two movie tickets,At 19:00,Whether with me together go to watch movie,After my heart feel delight,Though we have been reached before the consensus,Prepare to look at 19:10 the movie,《Red Cliff》,Actually,I hope to watch a local movie in china,I franked told she i have not seen the movie of the first half,But she said that will not affect,The pm 7:00,I already in the cinema At the door of wait for a long time,Has yet to see my companions,Maybe i in the kill of time,I watch of the film table,Screening of the it seem chinese movie,《Red Cliff》and《Madagascar》2 Some less the introduction of the movies,Despite I would not be surprise,But I would watch the 《Red Cliff》 should the good choice,I saw Jane,She let me wait a full 15 minutes,I think he will find for themselves better reason,To avoid being late forpsychological,Her own apology for being late because of traffic congestion on the road,Although I am a taxi to the,I feel Chengdu Crowded is Traffic,The sky already dark,The streets are constantly whistle sound,Finally,I can not on forgive her,We enter the cinemas,Cinema is no Imagine as spacious,But is a very delicate environment,The film should have been broadcast,I think we are 10 minutes late,So we quietly went to the location,To watch the movie,I feel to have chinese classical music,To surround the movie,Aslo let me fusion of the atmosphere in China,Maybe the movie has some humorous language,But sometimes have small number of comments Voice,At least that let me feel sick discomfort,We are seriously watch to the movie,Cinema is about to go out,Maybe this is for me is breath of fresh air,The best,But is the helpless's choose,Very fond three kingdoms of my friend,In U.S,They are very fond the Japanese game 《Dynasty Warriors》,They say he is cool,No have complex plot,Can let you full of crazy and direct,These maybe can to me as a reference,Because I do not know three kingdoms of lot,Jane asked in how I feel when,I told her I like Zhou Yu,,WHich have a scene,When he performed the sword dance when,In front of Xiao Qiao,I feel the ancients are the comfort and fine and smooth, And has a strong China atmosphere,Although in my thoughts,Zhuge Liang is the wisdom,And Cao Cao more are poetry and brutality,Maybe They are contrary,But i not longing the latter,In the movie has a Cao Cao poetry recitation,I ever for that memory,Is clearlr,It makes me feel he to near for me,My favorite watch movie,Maybe in U.S,Many people will because leisure watch movie,In U.S,Movie ticket prices low,That let me feel the can more depth and perfect sound quality,In U.S,I only know the Chinese movie is 《Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon》,This is my ever for China's thought,Martial arts and essence's experience,I like the director Ang Lee,He's movie has the ease,And sometimes,In heart was very heavy,Without violence,I feel that the oriental atmosphere,And bamboo's quiet,Maybe and 《Red Cliff》It is different,《Red Cliff》's scenes let me feel endless grand,Although i have not seen the upper part,Many Hollywood great's works,Filled more is behind the emotional and caring,They are usually war deep to aware of human nature,China's ancient war, Full of alertness,Also is the wisdom of the struggle,Even if I am fell,It still is a beautiful works,But I believe,It will become my forever memory,I like the memory,Chinese movie memory,Although it will never be able to replace the first


Well oh gosh I'm not posh me, I wear odd socks I do what I'm doing yeah So everybody's entitled to opinions I open my mouth and sh*t I got millions I'm the middle kid, the riddle kid I make you giggle til you're sick My nose jiggles while I spit Yeah I do have some stories And it's true I want all the glory Go on then, come on support me I'm English try and deport me Love me or hate me it's still an obsession Love me or hate me that is the question If you love me then thank you If you hate me then f**k you x 2 Love me or hate me, love me or hate me So I can't dance and I really can't sing, yeah I can only do one thing and that's be Lady Sovereign x 2 Love me or hate me it's still an obsession Love me or hate me that is the question If you love me then thank you If you hate me then f**k you x 4 Love me or hate me, love me or hate me I can only do one thing and that's be Lady Sovereign x 2

好的oh哎呀不毫华穿做的奇怪的袜子什么做着呀,因此大家的有资格获得观点的嘴,并且sh*t得到了是中间孩子的成千上万,谜语孩子做您嘻嘻笑,您病的鼻子轻摇,当吐呀有有些故事时,并且它是真实的想要所有荣耀然后继续,来在支持是英国尝试并且递解或恨它是成见仍然爱或恨是问题,如果您爱然后感谢您,如果您恨然后f ** k您x 2 爱或恨,爱或恨如此不可能跳舞,并且不可能真正地唱歌,呀可以只做一件事,并且那是Sovereign夫人x 2 爱或恨它是成见仍然爱或恨是问题,如果您爱然后感谢您,如果您恨然后f ** k您x 4 爱或恨,爱或恨可以只做一件事的,并且那是Sovereign夫人x 2

When life does not get on well with work, he redresses the balance.

听力译文(J=詹姆斯P=帕玛拉M=麦尔文) P詹姆斯在你辉煌的事业中你比别人更成功是走运吗 J这一点不争辩事实上是既是幸运又幸福 62 M那么说确切一些你把成功归结于什么呢 J的哲学一直是找出自己从中能得到满足的工作 P大概也是能使你从中得到乐趣的荼 J绝对正确 M那跟们说说你的秘密 J嗯在工作的日子里总问自己某些问题主要是在感到不满意的时候 P对自己不满 J这么说吧对自己的生活感到不满职业方面的和个人生活方面的每次做出的回答都能给指出新的方向或新的奋斗目标 M你问了哪些问题 J显然事业早期主要的问题都是关于钱的例如想挣的更多吗如果回答是肯定的那就在采取步骤去实现或者使老板相信值更多的薪水或者另谋职务首先钱对是主要动力 P那么在你需求的阶梯上下一项是什么 J嗯下一项跟钱同样重要的是得到人们的承认别人真正懂得珍视的努力吗如果回答是否定的那就到了应该打破原先平衡的时候这样方能谋求理应得到的那份尊重 M照你这么一说你是把得到承认和金钱放在同样的位置了 J当然这样了接下来的便是责任需要接受更多的挑战不仅是为了挑战本身而且也从担负较多的责任中获益匪浅走向成功确保事事都顺利一旦有点差错就勇担其责当然责任大了必然需要更多的支持不言而喻当今成功的群体全都是由各种职业的人才组成的简单地说责任加支持就是想要的 P毫无疑问你在鲁毕康组建了这样一个成功的团队 J确实如此他们无疑是与共过事的同事中最有才华的无论是工作上还是其它方面们观点一致相互配合达成默契 M詹姆斯看你在鲁毕康达到了成功的顶峰 J同意这点事实上在鲁毕康的最后期间已经实现了自己大部分的目标需要更多的时间来发展业余爱好顺便提一下的妻子一直忠实地支持坚强的后盾她认为应该在工作会议之外多花些时间于是开始培养一系列的业余爱好一些以前总是浅尝辄止但从未真正精通的事情比如打高尔夫球或看优秀小说 P退出权力核心对你来说困难吗 J一点儿也不更多的时间用于业余爱好这正是所想要的还希望假期更长些一般说来别人认为你应抽出两周来恢复精力的精力一直在很好地恢复不过需求总是在变化的需要休息时间和假若来好好考虑下一步 P那么们要看到詹姆斯里布鲁德卡潇洒退出公众生活了 J不是这样正如刚才说的需求总是在变化的的巾是总要把握住平衡现在所处的位置使有足够的空间去做自己想做的事情总的来说到目前为止对自己的生活十分满意 M剩下还有什么 J找到更多自己想做的事这是个挑战是寻求生活中更丰富内容的挑战

When life does not get on well with work, he redresses the balance.

听力译文(J=詹姆斯 P=帕玛拉 M=麦尔文) P 詹姆斯在你辉煌的事业中你比别人更成功是走运吗 J 这一点不争辩事实上是既是幸运又幸福更多请进大家学习网http://club.topsage.com M 那么说确切一些你把成功归结于什么呢 J 的哲学一直是找出自己从中能得到满足的工作 P 大概也是能使你从中得到乐趣的荼 J 绝对正确 M 那跟们说说你的秘密 J 嗯在工作的日子里总问自己某些问题主要是在感到不满意的时候 P 对自己不满职业方面的和个人生活方面的每次做出的回答都 J 这么说吧对自己的生活感到不满能给指出新的方向或新的奋斗目标 M 你问了哪些问题 J 显然事业早期主要的问题都是关于钱的例如想挣的更多吗如果回答是肯定的那就在采取步骤去实现或者使老板相信值更多的薪水或者另谋职务首先钱对是主要动力 P 那么在你需求的阶梯上下一项是什么 J 嗯下一项跟钱同样重要的是得到人们的承认别人真正懂得珍视的努力吗如果回答是否定的那就到了应该打破原先平衡的时候这样方能谋求理应得到的那份尊重 M 照你这么一说你是把得到承认和金钱放在同样的位置了 J 当然这样了接下来的便是责任需要接受更多的挑战不仅是为了挑战本身而且确保事事都顺利一旦有点差错就勇担也从担负较多的责任中获益匪浅走向成功其责当然责任大了必然需要更多的支持不言而喻当今成功的群体全都是由各种职业的人才组成的简单地说责任加支持就是想要的 P 毫无疑问你在鲁毕康组建了这样一个成功的团队 J 确实如此他们无疑是与共过事的同事中最有才华的无论是工作上还是其它方面们观点一致相互配合达成默契 M 詹姆斯看你在鲁毕康达到了成功的顶峰 J 同意这点事实上在鲁毕康的最后期间已经实现了自己大部分的目标需要更多的时间来发展业余爱好顺便提一下的妻子一直忠实地支持坚强的后盾她一些认为应该在工作会议之外多花些时间于是开始培养一系列的业余爱好以前总是浅尝辄止但从未真正精通的事情比如打高尔夫球或看优秀小说 P 退出权力核心对你来说困难吗 J 一点儿也不更多的时间用于业余爱好这正是所想要的还希望假期更长些一般说来别人认为你应抽出两周来恢复精力的精力一直在很好地恢复不过需求总是在变化的需要休息时间和假若来好好考虑下一步 P 那么们要看到詹姆斯里布鲁德卡潇洒退出公众生活了 J 不是这样正如刚才说的需求总是在变化的的巾是总要把握住平衡现在所处的位置使有足够的空间去做自己想做的事情总的来说到目前为止对自己的生活十分满意 M 剩下还有什么 J 找到更多自己想做的事这是个挑战是寻求生活中更丰富内容的挑战 Unit 7 Actions speak 更多请进大家学习网

Baby you know i love you need to say i wanna hug you kiss you because i miss you but i never mean to diss you or trick you you know im lovin this too because you'll always be my boo you hold my hand and keep me safe neva let our lives go to waste when i look into your face lovin' the way yo' lips taste at night i do a 360 because i think of you missy and sometimes i know you hit me but we always end up kissing tell me can this really be a girl fallen for a G caught up mashin in the streets hustle a sack to make some cheese its funny my honey how 3 words could change this man took me from mashin wit my boys to learning things to be a man how you lift my head up put a smile upon my face keep me comin right back with your warm embrace i'm feelin safe babygirl when u touch me like that you lay your head upon my chest now lemme bring it right back i'm your lady and you're my man (i'm your man) I'll do everything i can, just to, keep you in my arms all night boy, i need you by my side, cause uh ever since we first locked eyes visioning all the dreams inside, makes me sit around and realize boy you're love is just so right i be yo' lady and you be my man holdin' hands under the stars at night your arms hold around my waist so tight it feels so right when you look into my eyes sparkles like the stars in the sky you'll always be mine cause a love like this is all a girl could wish for filled with millions of kisses the only one i adore, to have and to hold 'till i grow gray and old, and as you're wife i'll be by your side for the rest of your life So I'm walking to my girl's house, just to go chill I copped a couple flowers that was sittin' on the hill i checked out my breathe hoping that it's minty fresh So She opened up the door she was wearing a fly dress So I said to her,"Girl, you is lookin' so fine" I couldn't even believe that she was mine My girl to start with, and hopefully end with She got that walk like she walk, gliding so swift Then that day, I thought to myself What if I made a fool of myself but i said,"oh well" cause she's my girl and she's in my world, she more prettier than diamonds and pearls you know when i'm with you i'm the happiest as can be, cause i'm so loved whenever you're around me between you and me our love's so true you ain't never leavin me, cause i can't breathe without you i'm thankin the lord for the blessin he gave me he created the eye for me to stare deeply her hair, so soft, and flowing freely the sillouette of her body, moving so beautifully it's like that, and I don't want it to go away i'm lovin' the way she moves and the way she sway i'm showing her my love she's my blessin' from above "Its over now."

宝贝你知道爱你必须说,要拥抱你吻你,因为想念你但从来没有意思迪斯您或诱骗您你知道这也是即时通讯喜欢因为您将永远是的嘘声你持有的手,让安全涅瓦让们的生活浪费当看到您的脸喜欢你的方式'的嘴唇味道在晚上,做了360 ,因为认为你小乔有时知道你打们总是接吻可以告诉这确实是一个女孩下降一个G 赶上mashin在街头喧嚣一袋做一些奶酪其滑稽蜂蜜如何3话可能会改变这个人把从mashin智慧男孩学习的东西是一个人你如何解除了的头把脸上的笑容时让comin右后卫与您温暖的拥抱feelin安全babygirl ü碰的时候一样,您躺在你的头在胸口现在lemme使其右后卫是您的夫人和你是的人会尽可以,只是,让你在怀里整个晚上孩子,需要你身边,原因呢,因为们永远第一锁定眼远景规划内所有的梦想,让坐下来实现男孩你的爱是如此的权利要你'小姐,你是的男人 holdin '手中的星空下,贵国的武器在夜间在腰部举行如此紧张它认为这样的权利时,你看看的眼睛闪烁的星星一样在天空中您永远是地雷造成这样的爱是所有的女孩可能希望充斥着数以百万计的亲吻唯一一个喜欢,有并举行'直到长大灰色和老人,并为你的妻子会通过你的身边,其余的你的生活因此,的女孩'故居,刚才去寒气copped一对夫妇花是sittin '在山上检查的呼吸希望它了新鲜明蒂于是,她打开了车门,她当时身穿飞行着装所以,对她说:&姑娘,你是来查找'所以罚款&本人无法'吨甚至认为,她是地雷的女孩开始,并希望结束她站走路就像她走路,滑翔,以便迅速那一天,想如果作了一个傻瓜,但对自己说,&噢以及&导致了她和的女孩她在的世界,她更漂亮比钻石和珍珠你知道当真的与你真的是幸福就可以,导致真的如此爱你的时候周围的'重新你和之间的爱'如此真实您艾因'吨从未leavin,原因不能没有你呼吸真的thankin上帝的blessin 他给了,他创建了眼深深凝视她的头发,所以软,和自由流动她的sillouette机构,移动如此美妙它一样了,和不希望它消失很喜欢她的行动的方式和方法,她摆动显示的爱她她是的blessin '从上面

Lemon Tree--Fools Garden I'm sitting here in a boring room It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon I'm wasting my time, I got nothing to do I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you But nothing ever happens -- and I wonder I'm driving around in my car I'm driving too fast, I'm driving too far I'd like to change my point of view I feel so lonely, I'm waiting for you But nothing ever happens, and I wonder I wonder how, I wonder why Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around And all that I can see is just a another lemon tree sing da da da da da, de da da da da da da, de da da da de de da I'm sitting here, I miss the power I'd like to go out taking a shower But there's a heavy cloud inside my head I feel so tired, put myself into bed Where nothing ever happens -- and I wonder I so lation is not good for me I so lation -- I don't want to sit on a lemon tree I'm stepping around in a dessert of joy Baby anyhow I'll get another toy And everything will happen -- and you'll wonder I wonder how I wonder why Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue, blue sky And all that I can see is just another lemon tree I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning turning turning turning turning around And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree and I wonder, wonder I wonder how I wonder why Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky and all that I can see and all that I can see and all that I can see Is just a yellow lemon tree


On my way up north up on the ventura i pulled back the hood and i was talking to you and i knew then it would be a life long thing but i didn't know that we we could break a silver lining and i'm so sad like a good book i can't put this day back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you things you said that day up on the 101 the girl had come undone i tried to downplay it with a bet about us you said that- you'd take it as long as i could i could not erase it and i ride along side and i rode along side you then and i rode along side till you lost me there in the open road and i rode along side till the honey spread itself so thin for me to break your bread for me to take your word i had to steal it and i'm so sad like a good book i can't put this day back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you i could pick back up whenever i feel down new mexico way something about the open road i knew that he was looking for some indian blood and find a little in you find a little in me we may be on this road but we're just imposters in this country you know so we go along and we said we'd fake it feel better with oliver stone till i almost smacked him seemed right that night and i don't know what takes hold out there in the desert cold these guys think they must try and just get over on us and i was ridin' by ridin' along side for a while till you lost me and i was ridin' by ridin' along till you lost me till you lost me in the rear view you lost me i said way up north i took my day all in all was a pretty nice day and i put the hood right back where you could taste heaven perfectly feel out the summer breeze didn't know when we'd be back and i, i don't didn't think we'd end up like like this

在途中提高北方在 ventura 上提高向后地拉头巾而且正在和你说话而且知道然后它会是生活长的事物但是没有知道那们可以休息一个一线希望而且很这么忧愁同类一本善行书不能放这日子背面一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你你说那个日子的事物在 101 上提高女孩有来未完成的试验过的不予重视它藉由一个打赌有关们你说那-你将会拿它只要可以无法消除它而且乘坐向前边而且向前骑边你然后而且向前骑边直到你失去的在那里在开着的道路中而且向前骑边直到蜂蜜传布它本身如此瘦的因为对休息你的面包因为拿你所说的话必须偷它而且很这么忧愁同类一本善行书不能放这日子背面一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你可以精选向后地向上的每当感觉??落新的 mexico 方法关于开着的道路某事知道他是找寻一些 indian 血和稍微在你里面稍微找发现在里面们可能是在这一条道路上除了们只是 imposters 在这国家中你知道因此们向前去和们说们有假货它以脚踏铁槌石头感觉好很多直到几乎有味道他似乎是权利哪一夜晚和不知道什么控制向那边在那沙漠寒冷这些人认为他们一定尝试而且仅仅在们身上克服而且是 ridin'被 ridin'向前边一阵子直到你失去的而且是 ridin'被 ridin'向前直到你失去的直到你失去的在那后面视野你失去的说方法向上的北方花了的日子极其重要的是一相当好的日子和放头巾正确地背面哪里你可以味道天堂完全地感觉夏天微风没有知道当们将会回来而且做不没有想们有结束在同类上面同类这

You can move along I believe that we're done With whatever we was tryna do Cause you up and did me wrong Cupid got a big gun with a blindfold shoot She gave another brother access To a little black dress You know the one, short silky and backless Dude named oscar, asked if shes an actress I caught him hustlin Pinned to the mattress And now shes lying to my face Eyes burnin up like her words was mase I dont even hear what she tryin to say Song playin in my head irreplacable To the lies im deaf All i can hear is to the left to the left So i say get out and dont touch that jacket Your stuff i already packed it, im bein polite I dont wanna be rude I dont mean to be mean But i dont gotta deal with this mess Tellin me i need you but you know you need me But if thats how you feel you can just Move alone move along move along move along No argument no fight Move alone move along move along move along Im just tryin to be polite And if i seem a bit chill Its because i dont sweat the small Find another girl please believe i will I aint trippin off you at all A boss from the beginning Been there from a minute So me losin you is still me winning Found out bout you sinnin So you wonder why the hell im grinning And now shes lying to my face Eyes burnin up like her words was mase I dont even hear what she tryin to say Song playin in my head irreplacable To the lies im deaf All i can hear is to the left to the left So i say get out and dont touch that jacket Your stuff i already packed it, im bein polite I dont wanna be rude I dont mean to be mean But i dont gotta deal with this mess Tellin me i need you but you know you need me But if thats how you feel you can just Move alone move along move along move along No argument no fight Move alone move along move along move along Im just tryin to be polite Please dont get me wrong Baby understand Im tryna say get gone Thet nicest way i can Cuz im not what you want See i tried to make this work But our love is in the dirt So lets see who calls who first I dont wanna be rude I dont mean to be mean Tellin me i need you but you know you need me Move alone move along move along move along No argument no fight Move alone move along move along move along Im just tryin to be polite I dont wanna be rude I dont mean to be mean But i dont gotta deal with this mess Tellin me i need you but you know you need me But if thats how you feel you can just Move alone move along move along move along No argument no fight Move alone move along move along move along Im just tryin to be polite

你可以沿着认为,们就大功告成了随着无论们做了tryna 原因你和没有错丘比特带着一个眼罩大枪射击她给了另一个兄弟访问对于一个小黑裙你知道一个短柔滑和露背多德名为奥斯卡,询问畲族女演员发现他hustlin 别在床垫现在畲族撒谎,的脸眼睛burnin有如她的话是万世余dont甚至水手都想听听她说宋在的脑海演奏,不可替代的即时通讯的谎言聋人只能听到的是向左向左所以说出去和dont接触的夹克你的东西已经挤满与否,IM拜因礼貌俺不用想成为粗鲁余dont指的是指但不gotta处理这个烂摊子泰兰需要你,但你知道你需要但是,如果多数民众赞成你的感觉你可以移动独自沿沿沿移动move 没有理由不打移动独自沿沿沿移动move 进出口只是水手都想要有礼貌如果似乎有点冷它的汗水,因为dont小找到另一个女孩,请相信会俺不是trippin关闭你所有从一开始老板在那里的一分钟所以,洛辛你仍然是获胜发现回合你sinnin 所以,你想知道为什么地狱的即时笑嘻嘻现在畲族撒谎,的脸眼睛burnin有如她的话是万世余dont甚至水手都想听听她说宋在的脑海演奏,不可替代的即时通讯的谎言聋人只能听到的是向左向左所以说出去和dont接触的夹克你的东西已经挤满与否,IM拜因礼貌俺不用想成为粗鲁余dont指的是指但不gotta处理这个烂摊子泰兰需要你,但你知道你需要但是,如果多数民众赞成你的感觉你可以移动独自沿沿沿移动move 没有理由不打移动独自沿沿沿移动move 进出口只是水手都想要有礼貌请不要误会的意思婴儿理解进出口tryna说得到了泰德最好的方法可以让 Cuz im没你想要的瞧,努力使这项工作但是,们的爱情是在土因此让们看看谁需要谁第一俺不用想成为粗鲁余dont指的是指泰兰需要你,但你知道你需要移动独自沿沿沿移动move 没有理由不打移动独自沿沿沿移动move 进出口只是水手都想要有礼貌俺不用想成为粗鲁余dont指的是指但不gotta处理这个烂摊子泰兰需要你,但你知道你需要但是,如果多数民众赞成你的感觉你可以移动独自沿沿沿移动move 没有理由不打移动独自沿沿沿移动move 进出口只是水手都想要有礼貌

Celebrate Lyrics - stearing to this tunnel of life it ain't a far sight in the dark searching for god's light so cold I got frost bite lost kite from the prison this system got these young niggaz lost like mice in a maze rollin dice to the grave some say it's just the price of the fame reality strike, repeat the same tragedy twice all I'm thinkin man it had to be life when the casualties rise plan plotting 'til your strategy dies black cotton till i've gotten what's mine I don't travel the globe stood firm with an average of 4 I was almost cut down like a half of a stole but you know that ain't how we roll from a soldier to a general go leadin' still do what I'm told I got the soul of a old head in the young niggaz bodies we don't put this gun in nobody you don't wanna know no homie what is really goin on shit is real couldn't tell you everything in a song man the pain is so personal so deep I couldn't explain it in words for ya I don't sleep I can rest when I'm dead cause I'm blessed while I'm here through the rain, pain blood, sweat and tears dedicated to underdogs that wanna see us make it we make it, they make it this calls for celebration all around the world we about to celebrate the mamas ain't crying no mo my niggaz ain't dying no mo tell me do you wanna go I mean it's kinda like a holiday kinda like a white tray on silver day kinda like jamaica in may when all my people celebrate I wasn't born with a silver spoon my mama was poor in the delivery room but we gon make it look done made it cops still goin strong mom poppin the greatest life been good to a nigga I remember bout the hood and how I could do a nigga but not me I been good to a nigga I support not no more i'm a hood rich nigga now and I'm hangin like wet clothes the fresh white frisbee tee countin bank rows I ain't botherin with you stank hoes another problem bith I got enough for those me, myself I don't need nothin else but a good mind and some good health that's all I got on my wish list pop a bottle what's the celebration bithes we ain't sayin that it's all good now any hood USA man it still goes down but despite of all that we gon still have a good time toss a few back celebrate the fact that my kids still eatin man I'm glad I'm still breathin glad I got my ratchet cause the snakes still creapin man I got a lawyer cause the law still cheatin listen, big bottles of drank big weed in my pocket nigga I got stanks we gon drank, we gon smoke till we damn near faint and after all that we gon do it again this is for the good time so we get some mo if we don't we gon smile on the ones before if you got real ones man hug your folks cause you never know when it gon go so celebrate


Uh Uh, uh, huh Yo, yo Drop your glasses, shake your asses Face screwed up like you having hot flashes Which one, pick one, this one, classic Red from blonde, yeah bitch Im drastic Why this, why that, lips stop askin Listen to me baby, relax and start passin Expressway, hair back, weavin through the traffic This one strong should be labeled as a hazard Some of yall niggas hot, sike Im gassin Clowns I spot em and I cant stop laughin Easy come, easy go, E-V gon be lastin Jealousy, let it go, results could be tragic Some of yall aint writin well, too concerned with fashion None of you aint gizell, cat walk and imagine Alotta yall Hollywood, drama, passed it Cut bitch, camera off, real shit, blast it And if I had to give you up Its only been a year Now I got my foot through the door And I aint goin nowhere It took awhile to get me in And Im gonna take my time Dont fight that good shit in your ear Now let me blow ya mind They wanna bank up, crank up, makes me dizzy Shank up, haters wanna come after me You aint a ganster, prankster, too much to eat Snakes in my path wanna smile up at me Now while you grittin your teeth Frustration baby you gotta breathe Take alot more that you to get rid of me You see I do what they cant do, I just do me Aint no stress when it comes to stage, get what you see Meet me in the lab, pen and pad, dont believe Huh, sixteens mine, create my own lines Love for my wordplay thats hard to find Sophomore, I aint scared, one of a kind All I do is contemplate ways to make your fans mine Eyes bloodshot, stressin, chills up your spine Huh, sick to your stomach wishin I wrote your lines And if I had to give you up Its only been a year Now I got my foot through the door And I aint goin nowhere It took awhile to get me in And Im gonna take my time Dont fight that good shit in your ear Now let me blow ya mind Let your bones crack Your back pop, I cant stop Excitement, glock shots from your stash box Fuck it, thugged out, I respect the cash route Locked down, blastin, sets while I mash out Yeah nigga, mash out, D-R-E Back track, think back, E-V-E Do you like that, you got to I know you Had you in a trance first glance from the floor too Dont believe Ill show you, take you with me Turn you on, pension gone, give you relief Put your trust in a bomb when you listen to me Dancin much, get it all?

Uh Uh , uh,哼! Yo, yo 降低你的眼镜,摇动你的驴脸振作起来像你有热的闪光哪一个,精选一,这一个,古典作品红色的从金发碧眼的女人,是的母狗 Im 激烈的为什么这,为什么那,唇停止 askin 听的话宝贝,放松而且开始 passin 高速道路,头发背面,透过交通的 weavin 这一个强壮的应该被贴标签为危险一些 yall niggas 热的, sike Im gassin 弄脏 em 的小丑和讲黑话停止 laughin 易得易失,电子 V gon 是 lastin 妒忌,让它去,结果可能是悲惨的一些 yall aint writin 很好地,太关心的由于流行你没有一个 aint gizell,猫走而且想像 Alotta yall 好莱坞,戏剧,通过了它削减母狗,照相机走开,真正的粪,摧残它而且如果必须放弃你它的唯一是一年现在使的脚通过门而且无处的 aint goin 它一会儿拿让获得录取而且 Im 去从容不迫 Dont 在你的耳朵中对抗好粪现在让吹 ya 思想他们想要存入银行在,上面曲柄提高,使晕眩胫向上,憎恨者想要跟随你 aint ganster,玩皮的人,太很多的吃在的路径的蛇想要仰头对笑现在当你的时候 grittin 你的牙齿挫折纵容你必须呼吸带 alot 更多你免除你见到做他们所讲黑话的做,仅仅做 Aint 没有压迫力当它来举行的时候,拿你见到的在实验室,钢笔和填补中遇到, dont 相信哼!,十六的,产生自己的线为的文字的争论爱那难者找二年级学生, aint 惊吓,一类型全部做是注视方法使你的狂热者成为的眼睛充血的, stressin,寒冷在你的背骨上面哼!,你的胃 wishin 的病人写了你的台词而且如果必须放弃你它的唯一是一年现在使的脚通过门而且无处的 aint goin 它一会儿拿让获得录取而且 Im 去从容不迫 Dont 在你的耳朵中对抗好粪现在让吹 ya 思想让你的骨头裂缝你的背部取出,讲黑话停止刺激, glock 注射从你的藏起来盒子性交它,宗教性暗杀团员出,尊敬现金路径锁了下来, blastin ,组当调情出的时候是的 nigga,调情出, D-R-E 支持轨道,向后地想,电子 V-E 做你相似的,你到达认识你也在来自地板的梦幻之境第一一瞥中有了你 Dont 相信生病的表演你,和带你把你打开,发给退休金离去,给你减轻当你听的话时候,把你的信赖放入一个炸弹 Dancin 很多,拿它全部?

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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

In effect, an 18 foot King Cobra could actually look down onto the average human being.


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