英语人>网络例句>徒劳地 相关的搜索结果


与 徒劳地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gusts of wind rush over the heath.The anxious cattle run to their stalls in the village.


Without giving himself time to reconsider his decision, and, indeed, that he might not allow his thoughts to be distracted from his desperate resolution, he bent over the appalling shroud, opened it with the knife which Faria had made, drew the corpse from the sack, and bore it along the tunnel to his own chamber, laid it on his couch, tied around its head the rag he wore at night around his own, covered it with his counterpane, once again kissed the ice-cold brow, and tried vainly to close the resisting eyes, which glared horribly, turned the head towards the wall, so that the jailer might, when he brought the evening meal, believe that he was asleep, as was his frequent custom; entered the tunnel again, drew the bed against the wall, returned to the other cell, took from the hiding-place the needle and thread, flung off his rags, that they might feel only naked flesh beneath the coarse canvas, and getting inside the sack, placed himself in the posture in which the dead body had been laid, and sewed up the mouth of the sack from the inside.


Then the son of Atreus drew his sword, and drove at the projecting part of his helmet, but the sword fell shivered in three or four pieces from his hand, and he cried, looking towards Heaven,"Father Jove, of all gods thou art the most despiteful; I made sure of my revenge, but the sword has broken in my hand, my spear has been hurled in vain, and I have not killed him."


I vainly tried to record it on my Dictaphone, at the match.


In vain, Ehrenburg warned:"A person who starts drinking Coca-Cola soon finds himself turning to other sinister habits."


Mr Triangle is waiting for someone who can open the door, so fruitlessly.


Bellick, exhausted, continues to futilely struggle with his restraints.


A tight knot finished the job and Arod futilely tried to fight his way free.


His liquid topaz eyes were penetrating —trying futilely, I assumed, to lift the truth straight from my mind.


You'll grab the Spycam Classic Lighter Camera, walk out to their area with a candy cigarette and record their smoke break conversation while trying futilely to light your sugar stick.


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Do not gum up the work by telling mother what we are going to do .


In recent years, application of the partial prestressed concrete beam s is developed.


Gorky once said:"If it is not a book, I'd be stupid and indecent drowning."
