英语人>网络例句>尽管那样 相关的搜索结果


与 尽管那样 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And you don'thave to be a Freemason to enjoy it (although it wouldn't hurt).


Although the upper reaches of a freestone stream may be spring-fed, the vast majority of its flow comes from run-off or tributaries.

尽管这种河段可是是spring-fed,最主要的径流来自run-off和支流,快速流动的河水限制了杂草和其他植被的生长,而形成了这种"free stone"河底,这种河段的水生昆虫不如spring creek那样多,所以鳟鱼比较少,但是不不乏机会主义者。

She could still do all the work she'd ever done - keep the house going, plant and weed the garden, drive the truck when needed - though maybe she wasn't as speedy at some tasks, as she once was.


Such birds do us good, though we no longer take omens from their flight on this side and that; and even the most superstitious villagers no longer take off their hats to the magpie and wish it good-morning


More often it is grim: almost everyone, it turns out, was informing on the Martons, from neighbours to the nanny. Through it all, her father baffled his persecutors, who could not believe that the suave, stylish polyglot was just what he claimed to be: a hard-living, hard-playing newsman. His undoing came when a traitor in the American embassy reported that he had lent to officials there a copy of an official document, the state budget. Not exactly a secret, but pretext enough to send him to be broken in the AVO's dungeons.


Meanwhile, tonight's moon isn't the official Harvest Moon, although many will call it by that name.


Yet, for all the brave talk, there is a self-destructive streak in Russia which can turn a drama into a crisis in spectacular fashion—as was vividly demonstrated during its 1998 default.


As she put it in The Common Reader, It is safe to say that not a s ingle law has been framed or one stone set upon another because of any thing Chaucer said or wrote; and yet, as we read him, we are absorbing morality at every pore.

" (5-)就像她在《致普通读者》一书中所表达的那样,"尽管可以毫无疑问的说,没有任何法律被指定出来,也没有任何高楼大厦被建立起来是因为乔叟说了什么或者写了什么;然而,当我们读它的书的时候,我们身上每一个毛孔都充满了道德。

This is the swine flu or, as the federal government likes to call it, confusingly but inoffensively, the H1N1 strain.


However disparate their manifestations, both share a sense of inwardness and introspection.


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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

In effect, an 18 foot King Cobra could actually look down onto the average human being.


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