英语人>网络例句>小数点的 相关的搜索结果


与 小数点的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The original Slashdot article had to do with the anomalous measurements of the muon magnetic moment that cannot be derived from modern theory, and could be further evidence that the Standard Model is invalid, and that the Lorentz invariance it takes for granted cannot be perfectly accurate.


At last , some investgation is made to change about elementary constant of the universe in today ,which demonstrates that elementary constant of the universe in today would change at a ratio of 2.3387723548904887*1050 per year which means that elementary constant of the universe in today would remain as an constant unchanged within one million years if its accuracy fix on the 4th digit after radix point of 7.7577806787995708*1060 As a reminder , both elementary constant of the unvierse elementary constant of the unvierse in today have nothing to do with the cosmic constant introduced by Mr.

基本宇宙常数是一个变化的物理常数,其数值变化的速率为:2.3387723548904887*1050 ,与今天基本宇宙常数7.7577806787995708*1060 相比较,如果在保持今天宇宙常数的数量级不变的情况下将精确度选定在小数点后第4位,那么今天基本宇宙常数将在100万年之内保持不变。

The previous record of this type was the calculation of the five trillionth bit between March and August 1998, by PiHex.

前一个类似的纪录是从1998年3月到1998年4月对于 Pi 的小数点后第五万亿个比特位的计算,这也是 PiHex 创造的纪录。

The previous record of this type was the calculation of the forty trillionth bit between April 1998 and February 1999, also by PiHex.

前一个类似的纪录是从1998年4月到1999年二月对于pi的小数点后第四十万亿个比特位的计算,这也是 PiHex 创造的纪录。

Tabulation of the types of places including: left-justified, center-justified, right-justified, decimal point, such as alignment and vertical alignment, the tab stop to use roughly the same, here only papers in accordance with the requirements of the formula and directory layout tabulation of the production as an example of the use of digital methods and results, a more detailed explanation please refer to the help of Word documents.

制表位的类型包括:左对齐,居中对齐,右对齐,小数点对齐和竖线对齐等,这些制表位的使用方法大致相同,这里仅根据论文中公式排版的要求和目录的制作为例说明制表位的使用方法和效果,更详细的说明请参阅 Word 的帮助文档。

For instance, the Zhu Qi of perfect and spatio-temporal senior vice president takes Japanese company in first time money a few years ago announces the correct time, feel decimally digit became wrong by accident even -- the tower above that before the money number that unit player contributes compares him, expects 10 times.


When I am President, the candidates declare — and off they go into dreamspeak , describing tax codes down to the last decimal point and sketching health-care reforms far beyond the power of any single person to enact.


The Associated Press reported on 18 June 1999, that a comma in the wrong place of a sales contract cost Lockheed Martin Corp.$70 million:"An international contract for the U.S.-based aerospace group's C-130J Hercules had the comma misplaced by one decimal point in the equation that adjusted the sales price for changes to the inflation rate."


Legitimate differences about ideologies and values are reduced to trading blows about the 'right' numbers the decimal points on rates of warming; the number of noughts in the cost of climate change. We are not being honest with one another.


In the battle of Manila Bay in 1898, Deweys squadron managed a hit rate of 2.4%- at targets that were anchored!


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
