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与 宇航员 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But he had a dream of being an astronaut.


Software designer and space tourist Charles Simonyi, Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka and U.S. astronaut Mike Barratt from Kazakhstan Thursday. Mr. Simonyi paid $35 million for the voyage.


The capsule, also carrying Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka and US astronaut Michael Barratt, landed in Kazakhstan's steppe at 0431 GMT after travelling from the International Space Station.


The Russian space capsule carrying Canadian circus billionaire Guy Laliberte, Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka and NASA astronaut Michael Barratt, landed safely on Kazakhstan's steppe Sunday, ending the entertainment tycoon's 10-day visit to the International Space Station, AP reported.


Astronauts could be affected by boredom and Comeliness . Some of them might have to sit their spaceships for months with little to do and no one to talk to.


It was carrying two American astronauts and one Russian cosmonaut to the International Space Station.


When the aerospace commission visited the Russian cosmonaut training facility at Star City, we found a Chinese crew in residence.


The three astronauts spoke to the press from behind a glass screen at the Hotel Cosmonaut in Baikonur as they are being held in quarantine for fear of being contaminated ahead of their space flight.


Veteran NASA astronaut John Phillips and seasoned Russian Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev are the next crew of the International Space Station.


October 30, 2009 - Operated by Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Robert Thirsk with assistance from European Space Agency Astronaut Frank De Winne and NASA astronaut Nicole Stott, Canadarm2 guides the unpiloted Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle a safe distance from the International Space Station to be released into the Earth's orbit.

2009年10月30号-由加拿大航天局宇航员罗伯特·瑟斯克和欧洲航天局宇航员弗兰克·温内以及美国航天局的宇航员妮可·斯托特一起操作,加拿大二号指令日本的H - II无人驾驶运输飞行器从国际空间站的一个安全距离释放到地球轨道上。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
