英语人>网络例句>学报 相关的搜索结果


与 学报 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

C-banding and In-situ hybridization analyses of Ag.intermedium,a partiai wheat/Ag.intermedium amphiploid,and six derived chromosome addition lines 《TAG》 Friebe

八倍体小偃麦的形成,减数分裂稳定性和染色体组型的分析《作物学报》管启良 1980 // 03 P 129-137小偃麦新品种与中间类型的选育,程序和方法《作物学报》孙善澄

But Journals are still currently issued bimonthly or quarterly, which is not keeping pace with the information era.


MADISON J T%THOMPSON J F%MENUSTE R Deoxy ribonucleic acid,ribonucleic acid,protein and uncombined amino acid content of legume seeds during embryogeny Ann Botany , 1976,null

梁天干 龙眼配子体发育的研究福建农学院学报, 1981,(1)赖钟雄%桑庆亮%陈春玲%李冬梅%车建美%黄素华%陈振光龙眼的遗传学研究福建农业大学学报, 2000,4

Due to the academic, comprehensive and endocentric characteristics and insufficent attention, the circulations of school journals are generally lower that expected and this affects the efficiency and quality of school journals.


Vergara J M%Fernandez-Palacios H%Robaina L The effects of varying dietary protein level on the growth,feed efficiency,protein utilization and body composition of gilthead sea bream fry Fisheries Science , 1996,null

钱雪桥%崔奕波%解绶启%薛敏养殖鱼类饲料蛋白需要量的研究进展水生生物学报, 2002,(4)杨国华%李军%郭履骥夏花青鱼饵料中最适蛋白质含量水产学报, 1981,1

Internationally acknowledged academic periodicals of comprehensive or first-rate disciplines are mainly published on weekly or semimonthly basis, domestic professional periodicals are also having their publishing cycle shortened.


Genetic diversity and geographic variation innatural populations of the endemic Castanea species in China 植物学报, 1999,null

刘占林%李珊%阎桂琴%宋颐%赵桂仿华山新麦草自然居群的遗传结构和种内遗传多态性研究遗传学报, 2001,08

This paper makes an analysis of the papers published in Journal of SCUN from 1997-2003 and the papers reprinted by other journals to draw some conclusions which may be beneficial to the development of Journal of SCUN.


This paper analyzes and researches the circumstance of quality research on editing and proofreading for colleges and universities journals and point out the editing and proofreading errors which is caused by the knowlege limitation and carelessness of editors and proofreaders during the course of editing and proofreading.


The professionals in the subject construction help to form a team of advanced professional authors.On the other hand,the university journal plays a promoting role in the subject constr...


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
