英语人>网络例句>头皮 相关的搜索结果


与 头皮 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The woman was "severely disfigured" by a dog bite in May that made it difficult for her to speak and chew, according to a joint statement from the hospital in Amiens and another in the southern city of Lyon where Dubernard works.


Reproduceible event-related potentials to amyl acetate were recorded at Cz.


It could be linked to an illness such as anaemia or a fungal scalp infection.


Although the researchers found no direct link between the prevalence of any birth defect and the level of exposure, their calculations revealed that exposure to high levels of by-products substantially increased the risk of three common defects: ventricular septal defects, cleft palate, and anencephalus (where neural development fails, resulting in the absence of a major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp).

虽然研究人员发现,之间没有直接的联系流行的任何出生缺陷和暴露水平,他们的计算显示,暴露在高层次的,由产品大幅增加的风险三个共同的缺陷:室间隔缺损,腭裂,及anencephalus (如神经发育失败,导致在缺乏一个主要部分的脑,头骨,和头皮)。

OBJECTIVE: To investigate a treatment method for overtime avulsion of scalp.

目的 对受伤超过 12小时以上的头皮撕脱伤治疗作回顾和总结。

Special oil-removing agent can effectively remove excessive axunge of hair scalp or of your hair. It can make your hair fresh and clean for long.

成份功效:独特去油成分 P.A.K可有效去除头皮及发丝之多余油脂;提供发丝支撑力,赋予发丝丰盈感,长效保持发丝舒爽洁净。

Fresh and moisturizing shampoo Specific ation : 300ml 500ml 1000ml Special oil-removing agent can effectively remove excessive axunge of hair scalp or of your hair. It can make your hair fresh and clean for long.

瑛派儿_SVOT舒爽保湿洗发水规格:300ml 500ml 1000ml 成份功效:独特去油成分 P.A.K可有效去除头皮及发丝之多余油脂;提供发丝支撑力,赋予发丝丰盈感,长效保持发丝舒爽洁净。

Fresh and moisturizing shampoo Specification: 300ml 500ml 1000ml Special oil-removing agent can effectively remove excessive axunge of hair scalp or of your hair. It can make your hair fresh and clean for long.

瑛派儿_SVOT舒爽保湿洗发水规格:300ml 500ml 1000ml 成份功效:独特去油成分 P.A.K可有效去除头皮及发丝之多余油脂;提供发丝支撑力,赋予发丝丰盈感,长效保持发丝舒爽洁净。

Before going to bed at the hairline from the forehead back comb the scalp at the hairline, hands the little finger connected to the other four fingers naturally separated along the top of the head backward in order, so you can make facial massage to a transparent and eliminate fatigue, promote sleep Gallbladder Meridian .


Just like the skin on other parts of our body, the scalp can be afflicted with skin diseases of disorders that can lead to hair loss.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
