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Above all this scenery of perfect human life, rose dome and bell-tower, burning with white alabaster and gold: beyond dome and bell-tower the slopes of mighty hills, hoary with olive; far in the north, above a purple sea of peaks of solemn Apennine(5), the clear, sharp- cloven Carrara mountains(6) sent up their steadfast flames of marble summit into amber sky; the great sea itself, scorching with expanse of light, stretching from their feet to the Gorgonian isles(7); and over all these, ever present, near or far--seen through the leaves of vine, or imaged with all its march of clouds in the Arno's stream,(8) or set with its depth of blue close against the golden hair and burning cheek of lady and knight,-- that untroubled and sacred sky, which was to all men, in those days of innocent faith, indeed the unquestioned abode of spirits, as the earth was of men; and which opened straight through its gates of cloud and veils of dew into the awfulness of the eternal world; a heaven in which every cloud that passed was literally the chariot of an angel and every ray of its Evening and Morning streamed from the throne of God.


Now since it is well known from the writings of the Evangelists and apostles that God has no less concern for the youth of his new people, when he openly testifies and says:"Let the children come to me; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven"(Mark 10:14), the pastors of the churches act most wisely when they early and carefully catechize the youth, laying the first grounds of faith, and faithfully teaching the rudiments of our religion by expounding the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the doctrine of the sacraments, with other such principles and chief heads of our religion.

现在,因为这是人所共知的,从写的福音和使徒说,上帝有没有少关心青年的他的新作的人,当他公开证明,并说:"让孩子来对我说,为这些属於王国天国"( 10时14马克),牧师的教会法,最明智的时候,他们早和精心catechize青年,奠定了第一的理由,信仰,忠实教学的雏形我们的宗教所阐述十诫,使徒们信条,主祷文,并中庸圣礼,与其他这些原则和行政首长,我们的宗教。

Satanas {sat-an-as'} of Aramaic origin corresponding to 4566; TDNT - 7:151,1007; n pr m AV - Satan 36; 36 1 adversary (one who opposes another in purpose or act), the name given to 1a the prince of evil spirits, the inveterate adversary of God and Christ 1a1 he incites apostasy from God and to sin 1a2 circumventing men by his wiles 1a3 the worshippers of idols are said to be under his control 1a4 by his demons he is able to take possession of men and inflict them with diseases 1a5 by God's assistance he is overcome 1a6 on Christ's return from heaven he will be bound with chains for a thousand years, but when the thousand years are finished he will walk the earth in yet greater power, but shortly after will be given over to eternal punishment 1b a Satan-like man

相关经文回前一页 4567 Satanas {sat-an-as'}源於亚兰文,相当於 4566; TDNT - 7:151,1007;阳性专有名词 AV - Satan 36; 36 1 指敌对者(反对他人的目的或行动者),这名字特别用来指: 1a 邪灵的头目,本性上反上帝与基督的 1a1 他煽动背离上帝而入到罪中 1a2 用诡计欺骗诱惑攻击人 1a3 敬拜偶像的人被认为是在他的控制之下 1a4 藉其邪恶的势力,他可以占据人并使人受疾病的痛苦 1a5 藉神的力量,他被制服了 1a6 当基督由天国再临时,他将被锁鍊捆绑一千年,但那千年之后,他将复临地上并有更大的能力,但很快地就会交付永刑之中 1b 像撒旦的人,受撒旦使用的人,"撒旦一族"的人

Eikon {i-kone'} from 1503; TDNT - 2:381,203; n f AV - image 23; 23 1 an image, figure, likeness 1a an image of the things 1a1 used of the moral likeness of renewed men to God 1a2 the image of the Son of God, into which true Christians are transformed, is likeness not only to the heavenly body, but also to the most holy and blessed state of mind, which Christ possesses 1b the image of one 1b1 one in whom the likeness of any one is seen 1b2 applied to man on account of his power of command 1b3 to Christ on account of his divine nature and absolute moral excellence

相关经文回前一页 1504 eikon {i-kone'}源於 1503; TDNT - 2:381,203;阴性名词 AV - image 23; 23 1 像,外形,外表 1a 事物的形像 1a1 用以指新造的人在德行上和神的相似 1a2 神子的形象,指真基督徒所被改造成的样子,不只是和天国中的灵物相似,共且是达到一种心智上的绝对圣洁,就像是基督的样子 1b 一个人的外貌,形象 1b1 指和所见过的某人很像 1b2 用於指有指挥权柄,有地位的人 1b3 用以指基督基洁的本质和至高的德行

And now, surrounded, like the saint-like personages of olden times, with a radiant halo, that glorified him amid this gloomy night of sin- as if the departed Governor had left him an inheritance of his glory, or as if he had caught upon himself the distant shine of the celestial city, while looking thitherward to see the triumphant pilgrim pass within its gates- now, in short, good Father Wilson was moving homeward, aiding his footsteps with a lighted lantern!


While the most descriptive accounts of the Gardens come from Greek historians such as Berossus and Diodorus Siculus, Babylonian records stay silent on the matter.

目录 导言宗教的实质第一编原始的梦境:原始宗教第一章宗教的产生第二章图腾崇拜第三章祖先崇拜、灵物崇拜和偶像崇拜第四章从多神崇拜到一神崇拜第五章古埃及宗教第六章古巴比伦宗教第二编苦难者的宗教:犹太教第一章犹太民族的诞生第二章以色列人在埃及第三章出埃及记第四章以色列人定居巴勒斯坦第五章欧洲人统治下的犹太人第六章犹太人的大流散第七章犹太人回归故土的热望第八章犹太教经典第三编天国之道:基督教第一章耶稣传奇第二章基督教的产生第三章基督教的变迁第四章中世纪基督教第五章改革运动第六章近代基督教第七章经典、组织和礼仪第四编信主独一:伊斯兰教第一章伊斯兰教之前的阿拉伯第二章伊斯兰教的产生第三章早期伊斯兰教的传播第四章哈里发时代第五章四大王朝时代第六章近现代的伊斯兰教第七章伊斯兰教派运动第八章经典和礼仪第五编痛苦中的生路:佛教第六编信仰的疆土:宗教在世界各国……购买此商品的顾客也购买了·文学简史·东方哲学简史/简史文丛系列·快读二十四史·千万别卖家具--终端销售攻略·读者文摘精粹版1:幸福像花儿一样查看此商品的顾客也查看了·宗教简史·神圣的存在--比较宗教的范型·神之简史·中国人的心灵图谱:魂魄·世界宗教寻踪

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
