英语人>网络例句>在空中的 相关的搜索结果


与 在空中的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In tap water, the egg sinks like an air-filled balloon dropping through the air.


You will play in a four countries, establish a base in the depths of space, the formation of ground and air forces, the exploitation of minerals, and other international trade, energy production and ...


Bicarbonate of Soda neutralizes acid-based odours in water and absorbs odours from the air as it is slightly alkaline. It can be used as a non-abrasive cleaner on kitchen worktops, sinks, baths, shower trays and ovens.

碳酸氢纯碱中和酸为基础的气味在水和吸收气味,从空中,因为这是轻微碱性,它可被用来作为非磨料清洁厨房worktops ,水槽,浴池,淋浴盆和烤炉。

Hans Blix, the United Nation's chief weapons inspector in Iraq, in his March 7, 2003, address to the UN Security Council, said that as of that date, less than 3 weeks before Bush invaded Iraq, that Iraq had capitulated to all demands for professional, no-notice weapons inspections all over Iraq and agreed to increased aerial surveillance by the US over the "no-fly" zones.


Mosquito escape the anger of a vampire attack in the night sky after the disappearance. One night in 2006, it would only bloodsucking mosquitoes are everywhere, looking for prey.


Well here it is first u have to roll at a moderate speed than you take the back foot off your board and just like the boneless u have to start lifting your board up and when you reach about your knee level u have to put your left or right hand you start power lifting your body up to the air and before u do that u have to lift up your needs to your chest and then from there you have to push your legs out and stay there as much and you can and try to put as much pressure on your arms as you can and extend your body before you come down and if u have to bail then this is the right time and make sure when you bail that you roll.


Cebu is 365 miles south of Manila and can be reached in an hour through air travel.


Act 12, Temper force with grace, a presentation of strength and contortion.


Checking in on traffic from sky copter 5, there's trouble on the 80 interchange leading into the city.

我们正从空中 5 号直升机上查看交通状况,在进入城市的 80 号立交桥上出现阻塞。

The discovery of large birds of prey in flight zone, in the start-up "flight zone bird pest control plan to deal with emergencies," birds of prey to drive away from the airfield at the same time, informed air traffic control departments to remind controllers and flight crew pay attention to the observation of birds.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
