英语人>网络例句>国家主义者 相关的搜索结果


与 国家主义者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those young people who have no patience with the tedious workings of the democratic process or who believe that basic institution can only be changed by force. Usually they are the more active and idealistic young people of every generation.


A main reason why so many in the West have taken part in the protests against China is ideological: Tibetan Buddhism, deftly spun by the Dalai Lama, is a major point of reference of the New Age hedonist spirituality that is becoming the predominant form of ideology today.


The latest such act of perceived impenitence is the Japanese government's approval of a set of school books written by nationalist historians, which reportedly omit or gloss over such wartime atrocities as the rape of thousands of "comfort women", captured and used as sex slaves by the Japanese military.


He wanted to integrate democracy with the soviet government when he became a loyal Leninist in the late 1920s.


The longer there is no solution, the greater the risk that the lunatic fringe, abetted by the likes of Iran's president, may one day manage to drop a bomb on the Jewish state.


WHEN discussing habeas corpus or the "Great Writ of Liberty", as the most revered legal device of the Anglophone world is often known, jurists and civil libertarians tend to become misty-eyed.

原译: "人身保护令"或者"人身自由法令"通常被认为是英语国家最令人敬畏的法律措施,谈到它,法学家和公民自由主义者就会唏嘘不已。

WHEN discussing habeas corpus or the "Great Writ of Liberty", as the most revered legal device of the Anglophone world is often known, jurists and civil libertarians tend to become misty-eyed. In 1777 Charles James Fox, a radical British politician, described habeas corpus during a parliamentary debate on its suspension as "the great palladium of the liberties of the subject" and deplored the "insolence and temerity" of those "who could thus dare to snatch it from the people".

"人身保护令"或者"人身自由法令"通常被认为是英语国家最令人敬畏的法律措施,谈到它,法学家和公民自由主义者就会唏嘘不已。1777年,激进的英国政治家Charles James Fox在一场关于中止人身保护令的议会辩论中,将人身保护令描绘为国民自由的守护神,并厉声谴责那些胆敢从人民手中将其夺走的鲁莽傲慢之人。

Now conservatives are complaining loudly that one of those namby-pamby, self-flagellating liberals is sitting in the Oval Office abasing himself and the country before foreigners.


Well he might: his country is experiencing a plague of racist murder and violence, often committed by neo-Nazi gangs.


The pacifist is as surely a traitor to his country and to humanity as is the most brutal wrongdoer.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
