英语人>网络例句>喜爱... 相关的搜索结果


与 喜爱... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is the love of a book, love of a poem...


I remember the time when I liked a red coat myself very well -- and indeed, so I do still at my heart; and if a smart young colonel, with five or six thousand a year, should want one of my girl s, I shall not say nay to him; and I thought Colonel Forster looked very becoming the other night at Sir William's in his regimentals.


I remember the time when I liked a red coat myself very well -- and indeed, so I do still at my heart; and if a smart young colonel, with five or six thousand a year, should want one of my girls, I shall not say nay to him; and I thought Colonel Forster looked very becoming the other night at Sir William's in his regimentals.


Schiaparelli liked new things as well as new ideas.


I'll be honest…I'd like to see Ken Shamrock win this one he was one of my favorite fighters in the early days of UFC and Pancrase, and he was my favorite character in the video game Fire Pro Wrestling !

Silva…我将诚实……我想要见肯酢打赢这场之一(他是一个我最喜爱的战斗机在成立之初ufc和pancrase ,他是我最喜爱的性格在视频游戏的消防亲摔跤!

Alicia Sacramone - I love her sassiness and I LOVE LOVE LOVE her power on vault! JYY - I love this girl's spunkiness, she and Shawn both seem to always have a ready smile He Kexin - This girl is steady as a rock. She is going to go far Vanessa Ferrari - Put Italian gymnastics on the map. Jade Barbosa - she cries a lot and it's really endearing, imo. Cheng Fei - What an amazing athlete! Great skills and presentation.Jiang YuanYuan - How cute is she?(answer: INCREDIBLY cute)Yang Yilin - Beautiful gymnast, and I don't think we pay enough attention to her overall in the midst of discussing Nastia/He. He Kexin - Her bars take my breath away. And she used to have one lovely FX routine that put a smile on my face. Yang Yilin - Such a beautiful gymnast and such a lovely girl. She seems very likeable

而且她活泼的状态也惹人喜爱 Alicia Sacramone -她也拥有活泼的状态,同时在跳马项目上也有着过人的能力 JYY-我喜欢她的勇敢,她和Shawn总是带着微笑出场 He Kexin -她坚定不移的信念让人佩服,她将走的更远Vanessa Ferrari -她使意大利的体操更加出名 Jade Barbosa -她哭了很多次,但那在我看来那的确很惹人喜爱 Cheng Fei -一位多么令人惊奇的运动员,有着高超的技术 Jiang YuanYuan -她是多么的可爱呢 Yang Yilin -她带来优美的体操,而且我认为我们没有给予她足够的关注 He Kexin -她的表演使人忘记呼吸 Yang Yilin -多么优美的体操,多么可爱的女孩,她看起来非常的可爱

The theatre may almost be said to be the only national amusement, and the Chinese have for theatricals a passion like that of the Englishman for athletics, or the 1Spaniard for bull-fights.


If you're feeling left out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to others.


Send a person with " dear cloth Mr Lan Sen " begin, informed him the other side to take the flight of airline of dimension Beijing Atlantic that flew to British London by Indian Bombay on December 7, 2008 next, conveyed empty to Wei Jinghang company love, say " the incident that although go a few years to had happened a few times,makes a person vinegary, but I still love dimension Beijing this one brand ".


Charles Taylor, the founder of Taylors of Harrogate, took to tea like a Yorkshireman to cricket. He was an ambitious chap and opened up his own chain of shops, know as the "Taylors Kiosks".

查尔斯·泰勒是Taylors of Harrogate的创立者,他对茶的喜爱就如约克夏人们喜爱板球一样。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
