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与 喇嘛 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A brief discussion was held and we decided on a restaurant for dinner and to move Wednesday's planned trip to the Ta'er Lamasery to Monday.


Odom's recovery from left shoulder surgery is near completion.


In a third, the report says monks plotted to bomb a local resident's home.


For over thirty days, many of the World Trade Center workers and visitors were invited by the Tibetan Monks to participate in the construction of this Mandala.


For Tibet, the official canonization of the two leading incarnation of the Dalai Lama, the Gelug Sect of Lamaism (1635) and the Panchen Lama (1645), and the appointment of Resident Minister (1728) in conjunction with the local handling of the Tibetan administration.


These monasteries were concerned only with one thing -- to make you aware of yourself.


As a result, it is nessecery to make clear characteristics of oil-source and oil-gas resource potential that can provide solid technology ensures for oil-field sustainable development.


Sonam Gyatso merit impressively, reputation Da-Zhen, which makes the growing succession of the traditional teachings of the Karma Lingpa Qinbusangjie Toba apprentice very convinced they think Sonam Gyatso Lama as Kagyupa the gar bar so that only the power of this world, there is no miraculous powers, subsequently sent Oread seven brothers, show God changed.


Champa Dorje not only understood Buddhist theory, he also a tireless proselytist. He was not like those ill-trained lamas who only recite sutras without knowing what they're talking about.


Christianity has always wanted to make inroads into Tibet. The earliest attempt was in 1624, when several Portuguese missionaries set out from Goa, and they went first to what is now Zhada County in the Ngari region. They obtained support from the Guge King, established a church, baptized members of the royal court and took some followers, but because the lamas strongly opposed it, and even sent the Ladwags army to capture the royal court, the missionaries had to give up on their plans of developing Christianity as a major religion there. Afterwards, there were many missionaries who entered Tibet to proselytize, but virtually none of them were successful.


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
