英语人>网络例句>兴趣 相关的搜索结果


与 兴趣 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondary school students from the Guangyuan City of soft interest in the status of volleyball, site equipment and school factors such as the importance attached to start and found that the impact of secondary school in Guangyuan City of soft interest in volleyball is the main reason for the lack of theoretical knowledge, traditional teaching style, teaching methods arid, dry contact methods, adult-oriented games, the emotional exchanges between teachers and students and so on.


After anatomization to those students who lack of interest and motivation to English study and lead to lower scores during their study process, you can find there becomes a vicious circle of difficulties, beyond interest, not good marks, out of interest, low scores and once more again and again.


Because of the eleven-plus the physical education in class was taken into physicaltraining in grade. Many courses were not taught to the students. The situational interest does not decline with age in school just not like the westward. In the three grades the highest situational interest is grade three, next is grade one and grade two.


An objective interestingness function of rule is given.

讨论了数量关联规则提取过程中的连续属性离散化方法和规则的有趣性问题,给出了数量关联规则的客观兴趣度的度量函数,提出用模板匹配方法挖掘用户感兴趣的规则,以解决数量关联规则有趣性的主观评测,研究了一种挖掘支持度和兴趣度最优的形如(A∈ [v1 ,v2 ]∧ C1 ) C2 (其中 A为连续属性,C1 、C2 为类别属性)的数量关联规则方法,并将该方法应用于股市行情分析,实验结果表明是非常有效的。

Then a bit sequence CID is determined by the interest,and CID is the main metric to organize topology—nodes with the close CID will form a community which is a dense subgraph.


Disclosed is a method for object correspondence identification between two image sets, said method steps comprising roughly aligning the two image sets, receiving (200) a selected point in said one image set, locating (210) a rough matching point in said another image, defining (210) a first volume-of-interest around said selected point, defining (230) a search window around said matching point comprising a plurality of neighboring points, for every point in said search window, defining (240) a second volume-of-interest, computing (250) the similarity between each said second volume-of-interest with said first volume-of-interest, and selecting (280) that second volume-of-interest that is most similar to said first volume-of-interest.


Finally, the thesis investigates the problem of intelligent personalized information recommendation in Internet, which is a kind of problem that there are no exact goal and no problem operator model. A domain oriented and adaptive multi agent system model for information recommendation is presented.


On this basis, taking into account the diversity of user interest as well as the synonymity and semantic correlation of word expression, the paper further proposed a method for user multi-interest modeling based on semantic similar network, which uses SSN to expand user feature words with its synonyms and correlative words on the knowledge level, and divides user interest into multi-categories, thus to establish a multi-interest user model.


There are significant interplays between culture teaching and types of motivation, which are displayed in five aspects: 1 knowledge of custom versus motivation of information medium, motivation of individual development, and motivation of intrinsic interest respectively; 2 teaching communicative knowledge versus motivation of information medium and motivation of intrinsic interest respectively; 3 interactive teaching versus motivation of information medium, motivation of individual development, and motivation of social responsibility respectively; 4 teaching with modern technology versus motivation of information medium, motivation of individual development, motivation of intrinsic interest and motivation of social responsibility; 5 cultural knowledge related with the contents of the textbook versus motivation of information medium, motivation of individual development, and motivation of intrinsic interest respectively.


The proposal建议 was made by the former school inspector督学 Jim Rose in his preliminary report last year, and runs counter to established evidence about early learning : An over-formal way of working at the start risks switching没兴趣 children off reading - and chool.

这个建议是有前督学Jim Rose在他的去年的初步报告中提出的,并且运行反对建立关于早期教育的证据。一个过于正式的工作方法在开始的风险令孩子在学校-在阅读方面失去兴趣

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I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。