英语人>网络例句>使负担 相关的搜索结果


与 使负担 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But in realistic reason, the absurdity of the personnel system becomes the parent and teachers toward what student bring pressure emollient to borrow;, The family becomes the student to increase the negative important place, it is student the lessons burden aggravate of motive source and direct source, and became student's mental state to increase negative important source;High test conductor's baton BE also result in this phenomenon of important reason, an acceptance score line stopped the teacher's throat, also taking out to beat the student;The slippery 坡 of the occupation morals of teacher make it the mental acceptance ability of the regardless of student and the healthy body of the student, pass to increase student's lessons to make up the shortage on oneself's teaching, this makes some teachers unilateral to emphasize the result but threw to lose the teacher's original intention then;Lack the emollient direct mechanism, foster the teacher and don't go to the character of raise the oneself, don't go to the science skill of raise the teaching, but measures this to breach the method of science in brief to raise the deceitful examination score of student with the enlargement homework, is not science ground passes to raise student's character, raise the teaching result, but use and should try the educational way leading the student copes with the examination with the speculation prosperity method.


We therefore regard it as suitable and salutary that, in the election of the said pontiff, in order that the faithful may look upon him as a mirror of purity and honesty, all stain and every trace of simony shall be absent, that men shall be raised up for this burdensome office who, having embarked in the appropriate manner and order in a due, right and canonical way, may undertake the steering of the barque of Peter and may be, once established in so lofty a dignity, a support for right and good people and a terror for evil people; that by their example, the rest of the faithful may receive instruction on good behaviour and be directed in the way of salvation, that the things which have been determined and established by us for this, in accordance with the magnitude and seriousness of the case, may be approved and renewed by the sacred general council; and that the things so approved and renewed may be communicated, so that the more frequently they are upheld by the said authority, the more strongly they shall endure and the more resolutely they shall be observed and defended against the manifold attacks of the devil.


Let us not weary of repeating, and sympathetic souls must not forget that this is the first of fraternal obligations, and selfish hearts must understand that the first of political necessities consists in thinking first of all of the disinherited and sorrowing throngs, in solacing, airing, enlightening, loving them, in enlarging their horizon to a magnificent extent, in lavishing upon them education in every form, in offering them the example of labor, never the example of idleness, in diminishing the individual burden by enlarging the notion of the universal aim, in setting a limit to poverty without setting a limit to wealth, in creating vast fields of public and popular activity, in having, like Briareus, a hundred hands to extend in all directions to the oppressed and the feeble, in employing the collective power for that grand duty of opening workshops for all arms, schools for all aptitudes, and laboratories for all degrees of intelligence, in augmenting salaries, diminishing trouble, balancing what should be and what is, that is to say, in proportioning enjoyment to effort and a glut to need; in a word, in evolving from the social apparatus more light and more comfort for the benefit of those who suffer and those who are ignorant.


Let us not weary of repeating, and sympathetic souls must not forget that this is the first of fraternal obligations, and selfish hearts must understand that the first of political necessities consists in thinking first of all of the disinherited and sorrowing throngs, in solacing, airing, enlightening, loving them, in enlarging their horizon to a magnificent extent, in lavishing upon them education in every form, in offering them the example of labor, never the example of idleness, in diminishing the individual burden by enlarging the notion of the universal aim, in setting a limit to poverty without setting a limit to wealth, in creating vast fields of public and popular activity, in having, like Briareus, a hundred hands to extend in all directions to the oppressed and the feeble, in employing the collective power for that grand duty of opening workshops for all arms, schools for all aptitudes, and laboratories for all de GRE es of intelligence, in augmenting salaries, diminishing trouble, balancing what should be and what is, that is to say, in proportioning enjoyment to effort and a glut to need; in a word, in evolving from the social apparatus more light and more comfort for the benefit of those who suffer and those who are ignorant.


Inclined to teach or moralize excessively .To weigh down excessively ;overburden or oppress.


To exert too much; overtax.


S back be thrown on one's back behind sb.

on the back 一无所有;一贫如洗在记忆的深处,下意识地跟随某人;支持某人作为某事的主使者巴不得某人离开;希望摆脱某人卧病在床仰卧;卧病;毫无办法,一筹莫展成为某人的负担;不断地挑剔某人被摔倒两肩着地;被打得大败背着某人,背地里使其负担过重而不能胜任;使某人失败完成某事的最艰难部分;挫败;伤其要害使顶不住或忍不住把某事置之脑后,蔑视某事拍拍某人的肩膀表示祝贺或鼓励

Let us not weary of repeating, and sympathetic souls must not forget that this is the first of fraternal obligations, and selfish hearts must understand that the first of political necessities consists in thinking first of all of the disinherited and sorrowing throngs, in solacing, airing, enlightening, loving them, in enlarging their horizon to a magnificent extent, in lavishing upon them education in every form, in offering them the example of labor, never the example of idleness, in diminishing the individual burden by enlarging the notion of the universal aim, in setting a limit to poverty without setting a limit to wealth, in creating vast fields of public and popular activity, in having, like Briareus, a hundred hands to extend in all directions to the oppressed and the feeble, in employing the collective power for that grand duty of opening workshops for all arms, schools for all aptitudes, and laboratories for all degrees of intelligence, in augmenting salaries, diminishing trouble, balancing what should be and what is, that is to say, in proportioning enjoyment to effort and a glut to need; in a word, in evolving from the social apparatus more light and more comfort for the benefit of those who suffer and those who are ignorant.


Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscover'd country from whose bourn No traveler returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of?

谁会fardels 负担,作古噜声和冒汗在疲倦的寿命,但那之下某事的忌惮在死亡以后, undiscover'd 国家从bourn 没有记录回来,困惑意愿,和使我们宁可负担那些不适我们有比飞行对其他人我们知道不是?

Perhaps no other thing has such power to lift the poor out of his poverty,the wretched out of his misery,to make the burden-bearer forget his burden,the sick his suffering,the sorrow his grief,the oppressed his degradation,as books.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
