英语人>网络例句>不能胜任的 相关的搜索结果


与 不能胜任的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I do not know when the confinement of a person can be competent, but also pay attention to what I need?


It is an immoral act to occupy a position which is not fit for you.


To get the indefectible position in the fierce competitions, it requires that the domestic tyre enterprises have the rapid adaptability to response the market changes and have the ability to organize the existing resources effectively, and it makes the enterprises keep the high level of the production ability and the efficiency, all of these just depending on the experiences is inefficient.


When Dean Inge once described mystical experiences he said: What can be described and handed on is not the vision itself but the inadequate symbols in which the seer tries to preserve it in memory...

Dean Inge有一次描述神秘经验时是这样说的:能够描述并传达给他人的不是这个体验本身,而是体验者试图把它留在自己记忆中所用的一些不能胜任的符号。。。

And he is good who does not outrage, who harms nobody, who does not attack, who does not requite, who leaves revenge to God, who keeps himself hidden as we do, who avoids evil and desires little from life, like us, the patient, humble, and just"—this, listened to calmly and without previous bias, really amounts to no more than:'we weak ones are, after all, weak; it would be good if we did nothing for which we are not strong enough "; but this dry matter of fact, this prudence of the lowest order which even insects possess (posing as dead, when in great danger, so as not to do "too much"), has, thanks to the counterfeit and self-deception of impotence, clad itself in the ostentatious garb of the virtue of quiet, calm resignation, just as if the weakness of the weak—that is to say, their essence, their effects, their sole ineluctable, irremovable reality—were a voluntary achievement, willed, chosen, a deed, a meritorious act.


Matthew Perry said:"I don't know anything that she is not capable of!"


This reciprocal relationship between two clans is vital for the emotional, economic, and spiritual health of a Tlingit community.

当一受尊敬的Tlingit 死他的父亲氏族被寻找喜欢身体和处理葬礼。他自己的氏族是不能胜任的这些任务由于哀情和精神污染。

An uninsurable risk is one that cannot be shifted to an insurance company. For example, companies run the risk of not making a profit, hiring irresponsible employees, and promoting incompetent managers.


Article 7 Where a worker is not competent for the job and remains as so after being trained or being adjusted to another work position, thus the employer rescinds the labor contract, the employer shall, on the basis of the term of his work in the entity, pay economic compensations equal to 1 month's wages for every full year, provided that the economic compensations shall not exceed 12 months.

第七条 劳动者不胜任工作,经过培训或者调整工作岗位仍不能胜任工作,由用人单位解除劳动合同的,用人单位应按其在本单位工作的年限,工作时间每满一年,发给相当于一个月工资的经济补偿金,最多不超过十二个月。

Matthew Perry said:"I don't know anything that she is not capable of!"


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
