英语人>网络例句>不懂 相关的搜索结果


与 不懂 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I know how to hurt I know how to kill I know what to show And what to conceal I know when to talk And I know when to touch No one ever die from wanting to much The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love People like us Know how to survive There's no point in living If you can't feel the life We know when to kiss And we know when to kill If we can't have it all Then nobody will The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love I - I feel sick I - I feel scared I - I feel ready I - And yet unprepared The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love The world is not enough The world is not enough

今天和一群人看了加勒比海盗2,天哪,那个盗版DVD翻译的字幕实在太差了。害得我剧情都没有理解清楚,只知道大概就是那个"章鱼男"要和主人公们抢一个心脏。其中一位在我身边的观众估计是第1部没有看,居然当最后一幕巴博萨船长出现时,奇怪的问道:这是谁啊?我晕,估计他也懒得补看第一部了。看不懂剧情挺遗憾,不过我无所谓,反正我把这片定义为视觉大餐而已,没想一定要弄懂什么剧情。从全片角度来看看来"加勒比海盗"要走"黑客帝国"、"星球大战"的路线--第一集试探市场反应,第二集留个悬念,第三集大收尾。整个续集来看,除了又两段搞笑成分较浓的动作戏外,没感觉什么新意了。影片前半部分的那段丛林戏,跟"金刚"几乎是一摸一样。同时看过这两部电影的人不知会作何感想。表演上还算到位,Johnny Deep的表现最为出色,就是暂时不知道最后一集他怎么出场。两部加勒比海盗的配乐都相当出色,颇有"角斗士"的味道。视觉大片而已嘛,不计较太多,看看而已,一笑而过。。。

Guidance is a cat and mouse game between an overweight man in his fifties and the young Carl Arendsen, who wants to establish himself as a therapist. In the opening scene, we see Carl be inspired by a confrontational workshop. The man in his fifties is Roy Blomberg, who was wrestling with a plethora of psychosomatic complaints and has been home for 18 months. The locum who replaces his general practitioner one day is convinced that Roy's problems are between his ears. Roy's wife happens to meet a self-assured Carl, who adopts an unconventional methodology. After a little pressure, the husband gives in to his wife and withdraws with Carl to his spartan hut in the Swedish countryside.

这是38届的鹿特丹国际电影节,我在到了影院之后,拿了份schedule看,但是荷兰文,看不懂,故放包之,这次在电影节上映的电影大部分都是一些非主流的电影,不是那么商业化,唯一让大家都知道的估计就是《Slumdog Millionaire》了,至于其它的电影,我在看了好多好多海报之后,都不知道几部,最后晃了半天,我决定看一部叫做《Guidance》的电影,我之所以选这部是因为在那个时间段要放的几部片子我都不懂片名,它们像是西班牙文又似葡萄牙文还似法文貌似又像意大利文,最后没办法,我只认识Guidance这个单字,票价9欧,还算合理。

MCC only does what it knows and can do and will not hesitate to give up what it doesn't understand and cannot do.


A,an=not ab,abs=away ad,a,ac,ad,af,al,an,ap,as,at=to;at ambi=both ana=up ante=before anti=against auto=self be=do bene=good cata=complete cent=hundred circum=around co,com,con=together contra=against de=down,off dec,deka=ten dia=across dis=apart duo,di,twi=two dys=bad en=make ento=inside epi=upon equi=equal eu=good ex,ec,e=out fore=ahead hetero=different holo=complete homo=same hyper=above hypo=below in,il,im,ir=inside;not infra=below inter,intel=between intra,intro=within iso=same macro=big mal=bad medi=middle mega=giant meta=change micro=small mis=wrongly mono=one multi,poly=many neo=new nona,ennea=nine ob,oc,of,op=toward oct=eight omni=all orth=straight pan=all para=beside per=through peri=around post=after pre,pri=before prin=first pro=forward quad,tetra=four quint,penta=five re=back retro=back se=apart semi,demi,hemi=half sept,hepta=seven sext,hexa=six solo=alone sub,suc,suf,sug,sum,sup,sur,sus=under super,sur=over supra=above syn,sym=same tele=far trans,tra=across tri,ter=three un,ne,non=not uni=one ultra=beyond

成年人学英文的第一课和第二课刊出后,有数位读者写E-mail给我。有一位说道:「一篇文章的每一个单字都查到解释了,但整篇文章就是看不懂,怎麼办?」另一位说:「我的文法很差,没办法写完整的英文句子,要如何补救?」当发音和字汇都掌握住学习要领之后,剩下的就是「读」和「写」了,这才符合学习英文的正确步骤:听→说→读→写。台湾传统的学习方式由「写」开始,再「读」,然后才「说」,最后再去补救「听」力,可以说是背道而行,难怪效果不彰。那麼学习「读」的要诀是什麼呢?当然最重要的是能够了解整个句子的涵义。记得初中的时候背了很多文法规则,考试的分数虽然很高,但是对「读」的能力没有帮助。连那个时候流行的「英语九百句型」,也从来没有耐心读完过。然而我们今天能够看懂中文的文章,难道是因为我们熟悉中文的文法吗?答案是否定的。同样地,一个美国人虽然能阅读报纸,但是要求他做「英文文法分析」,他可能也会傻眼。英文的句子其实不需要去靠文法书中的规则去了解,文法书只应当作参考书,在有疑惑的时候才去查阅。平常应养成「约定成俗」的习惯,就是看别人怎麼用,然后「依样画葫芦」,日积月累,文法规则就化为无形了。因此,要训练「读」的技巧,不应该是靠文法规则,而是要多读。但是在读之前,要具备「了解句子」的基本能力,这就是我们的第三课─了解英文句子的要诀。了解英文句子的关键,在於先抓住「主词」和「动词」。看到一句很长的英文句子,不要害怕:先找主词,再找动词。动词如果是「及物动词」,再去找「受词」。主词、动词、受词之外,剩下的通通当做修饰语,有的修饰主词,有的修饰动词,有的修饰受词,有的修饰全句;任何两个完整的句子都可以用连接词连接起来。以上简单几句话,就是了解英文句子的基本观念。了解英文句子的第二步是熟悉英语的五种基本句型,其中前两种与不及物动词有关,后三种与及物动词有关。以下的句子中,用大括号表示{主词}或{受词},中括号表示,剩下的部份都是修饰语。第一种与不及物动词有关的基本句型叫做「简单不及物句型」(Intransitive Verb,简称I),请背住以下五个句子

Because of I know learning resorting to deception without end coming upper thing, be not to know not knowing right away , definitely cannot smatter!


Lemon tree 歌词:I'll sitting here in a boring room, It's just another rainy sunday afternoon, I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do, I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you. But nothing ever happens and I wander. I'm driving around in my car, I'd like to change my point of view, I feel so lonely I'm waiting for you, But nothing ever happens and I wander. I wander how I wander why yesterday you told me about blue blue sky; and all that I can see is just a yellow lemmon tree, I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning turning turning turning turning around and all that I can see is just another lemmon tree. see,dalada,diladada... I'm sitting here I miss the power, I'd like to go out taking a shower, but there's a heavy cloud inside my head, I fell so tired put myself into bed, but nothing ever happens and I wander. I solation is not good for me, I solation I want to sit on a lemmon tree . I'm stepping around in adesert of joy, baby anyhow I'll got another toy, and everything will happen and you'll wander. I wander how I wander why ?

中文翻译:一个人孤单单的下午当风吹得每棵树都想跳舞记得昨天你穿蓝色衣服你说对爱太专注容易孤独这句话什么意思我不清楚我爱上了云爱上你多么希望像你自由来去原来星期天容易思念反覆看部电影一遍一遍孤独的流著眼泪回忆太美爱多美丽充满香气只是在心里它总是酸溜溜地我不懂我自己越来越像 Lemon Tree 我一天一天更爱你我不管不管不管爱会苦苦地海蓝蓝的天气我的爱是 Lemon Tree 我爱上了云爱上你多么希望像你自由来去原来星期天容易想念反覆看部电影一遍一遍孤独的流著眼泪回忆太美 Isolation 想住进你心里 Isolation 期待下雨的一棵 Lemon Tree 你总是望著蓝蓝海面说著流浪过的梦容易实现这句话什么意思我不清楚爱多美丽充满香气只是在心里它总是酸溜溜地我不懂我自己越来越像 Lemon Tree 我一天一天更爱你我不管不管不管爱会苦苦地海蓝蓝的天气我的爱是 Lemon Tree 哦。。。。

Third, as for the reasons for Unfunny, in addition to "I have read/heard it before"(Option 1),"Compared with what I have read/heard before, this one is nothing special"(Option 2), and "I don't understand it"(Option 3), the reasons in "Others"(Option 4) show 13 characteristics. To be precise, a joke is unfunny when it is too simple or childish, too long or complex, unattractive in itscontent, obscene, offensive, prejudiced or disparaged, it is not stimulating, simply a word play, predictable, old-fashioned, justnot funny, unknown to people who lack the background knowledge of this joke, or when the readers was unable to make connection right away as shown in Joke4.

在探讨笑话为何会「不好笑」的理由中,除了「我听过/读过」(选项 1)、「比起我所听过/读过的,这则笑话一点也不特别」(选项2)、以及「我看不懂」(选项3)外,大部分英语外籍人士和少部分台湾学生在「其他」(选项4)的答案显示出13种原因,包含笑话(1)太简单或幼稚,(2)太长或太复杂,(3)内容不吸引人,(4)内容低俗,(5)有冒犯的意图,(6)有偏见或贬低的意图,(7)没有启发性,(8)只是文字游戏,(9)笑点可预测,(10)老套,(11)就是不觉得好笑,(12)局限於特定背景知识的人才看得懂,或是(13)读者一时无法会意出笑点。

Those espousing appropriation in translation believe that obscurity and even " unintelligibility " are attributable to literal translation.


Yesterday defeat, will establish tomorrow the success An intense hopeheart, never can give up Although has 100,000 not to understand, butI can make the practice, reads, the books are the foundation If inthe books knowledge all does not understand, I also enroll any collegeentrance examination, I did not hope grievedly, once more bursts intotears once more I must hold last the opportunity Ifhas been defeated, I can regret for a lifetime Regarding regretsthese two characters, I always on no feelings Today I to the regretunderstanding am: The life may not regret, but the life may turn roundLife not if, but has many but Along with time passing, I will be ablethe even more maturity, the weak thought no longer to exist Date ofthe yesterday by past, date of the tomorrow also future Iflamentation yesterday mistake and forecast tomorrow happiness, butalso was inferior to well grasps today


Regard to the angle of the cloak-and-dagger art, this son do not calculate too successful, but it of the experiment is however the far far larger than in meaning the success oneself.positive so-called:" a the horse dashes about, shooting the birds lead the bow, the world is all in my heart!"

看过多遍的人应该知道里面的意思,他所讲述的不是什么Ak M4大比拼,也不像3楼说的那样混乱,如果你也有这种感觉说明,1,你没有看懂这个片子,2,那就是你根本就不懂CS,你也不明白CS其中的精神所在!

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What are your goals and strategies for growth?


And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven irits of God, and the seven star I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.

3:1 你要写信给撒狄教会的使者,说,那有神的七灵和七星的,说,我知道你的行为,按名你是活的,其实是死的。

"It is a testament to making sure unemployment compensation is available, making sure we are looking out for people who have lost their jobs," she said.
