查询词典 windmill
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In Middle English milne, the descendant of the Old English word, was generalized to refer to a windmill, any power-driven mill for grinding grain, and a fulling mill.
中古英语中milne 一词由古英语词而来,它的词义已扩大,可指风车、任何靠动力驱动来磨谷物的磨以及缩洗机。
In the middle of the town was a windmill. The villagers all broughet their grain to the miller .
During a lull in the action, some of the Tiger's accompanying panzergrenadiers dig in under the protection of the tank's big gun, within sight of a peaceful looking windmill.
It was then he decided that he was dealing with a two-man job, and that a windmill would save a hundred-mile trip twice a week for water.
Zheng Tiaojie with the son, referring to double-bar, night bar, true color bar, Feifan bar, a windmill with lounge, night Weiyang, happy bar, Witters, mangroves, Jue Shihao bar, night Weiyang, won it, Asia Metres high, and cheer it, Rafi Bar, the keys, such as the Blue Bar at Fort over 30 different styles of the bars.
Modern vibrant, gorgeous colorful way of lifestyle advocates, like freedom of windmill-like romantic, abandoned the tradition of the freedom to seek pleasure easy.
Baie Tan Bar Street, home to the European classical architectural style, each bar are 2-3 Euro-style buildings, towers, the clock tower and windmill towers and other unique architectural Cuoluoyouzhi.
Words and Phrase s: Eiffel Tower, windmill, tulip, Egypt, pyramid, the Nile River, bagpipe, Alps
Fortunes windmill palm offered to go first ,while Ficus virens waited by the roadside for the palm trees's news.
I firmly believe that it will forge ahead, towards the other side, I hope, because I have a lot of dream: I'm going to sniff the Netherlands, tulip, windmill lying on the grass point of view; I'm going to Paris, the old coffee shop dedicated blessings rose lovers.
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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.
This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.
Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.