英语人>网络例句>weapons 相关的网络例句

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与 weapons 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Monsters will drop items when they die, and not just new guns or ammo; there will be all sorts of weapons, armor, and more, even socketed weapons and uniques.


Uranium weapons are armor-piercing munitions made of waste uranium-238, an extremely hard metal left in great quantities from the production of reactor fuel and nuclear weapons.

铀武器的穿甲弹药制造的废物铀-238 ,是一个非常硬的金属留在大批量从生产的反应堆燃料和核武器。

In addition, there are more than 1,000 of the base's ammunition depot and oil depots Block can be stored nuclear weapons and other weapons and equipment, as well as 160,000 tons of fuel.


This does not mean we are no longer going to create bear and cat weapons, just that those weapons will be slightly less niche than they are now.


To complete each level, you should collect numbers of power box in the level. In first levels, you don't have weapons, and the only way to finish level is to avoid the enemies, but at the Level 4, you would start to use different kinds of weapons: Missile, Laser, Super Bomb.


However, through the legal analysis can be seen carrying weapons in acts of plunder of the people did not carry lethal weapons to be displayed, its provisions into robbery and the lack of theoretical basis, and to confuse the crime of plunder and robbery of the difference in real terms, contrary to The criminal responsibility to adapt the basic principles of the existing law should be revised to improve.


As with many other weapons and tactics, it could be greatly intensified with quality, and indeed with Cavalry-spirit commanders like Guderian and Rommel, with highly trained or combat experienced soldiers, and with excellent weapons as the Panzer IV and the Stuka dive bomber, the Germans were able to achieve amazing victories with Blitzkrieg.


As with many other weapons and tactics, it could be greatly intensifiedwith quality, and indeed with Cavalry-spirit commanders like Guderianand Rommel, with highly trained or combat experienced soldiers, andwith excellent weapons as the Panzer IV and the Stuka dive bomber, theGermans were able to achieve amazing victories with Blitzkrieg.


It's true that he's not the head of government—the Supreme Leader and his council of ayatollahs are the chief policymakers—but he's the public face of the country …he's the public voice of the chief state sponsor of terrorism, a country supplying our enemies in Iraq with weapons used to kill Americans and supplying our enemies throughout the Middle East with weapons used to kill Jews.

发言的其它部分则无足观,是前言不搭后语的宗教阐释和政治漫谈的生硬组合。』Josh Marshall对此次演讲的总结是:很难分出胜负,但是昨天的演讲并未提升艾哈迈迪内贾德的形象反而有种贬低效果,美国民众比想像中强大,对于这个问题没有如大部分人预料的一样避而不谈。

The major focus of JNLWD's operation is on the use of drugs as weapons, particularly so-called "calmatives", a military term for mind-altering or sleep inducing chemical weapons.


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The Weapons Are Concealed
Words As Weapons
Words Are Weapons
My Words Are Weapons
Let Us Begin (What Are We Making Weapons For)
The Threat Posed By Nuclear Weapons
Deadly Weapons
Lay Down Your Weapons

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
