英语人>网络例句>weaponry 相关的网络例句

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与 weaponry 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

More importantly, due to the rapid expansion of their ranks, filled by former Nationalist troops discharged from the demilitarization, the sudden increase of troops of the Communists meant that the original Communist peasantry army that was largely illiterate had suddenly became an army with 90% of its force being well trained, technically capable and combat hardened veterans that were more than a match for the Nationalist forces, who now had only three-quarters of the amount of Communist weaponry, with a handful of tanks and aircraft.

更重要的是,由于从原国民党部队得到大量的人员,从而得以迅速扩军,这些突然增加的兵力对中共意味着原来共产农民军,主要是文盲,如今却摇身一变成了它 90%的陆军力量是训练有素的,技术上的先进和有实战经验丰富的老兵使得共产军的实力超过了作为对手的政府军,他们现在只有四分之三数量于共产军的武器,一点点的坦克和飞机。

The plan also aims to further develop manufacturing technology for military industries, apparently to lessen China's dependance on Russia for high-tech weaponry.


Armed with diabolic supernatural powers and military grade weaponry; enter a dangerous world of deception and betrayal, and unleash Hell on Earth!


These disarmingly colorful critters actually pack some potent weaponry.

这些disarmingly丰富多彩的critters ,其实包的一些烈性的武器装备。

These disarmingly colorful critters actually pack some potent weaponry .


When she finally realized the defensive capabilities of weaponry as a Dorian, I saw some hope for her.


The system which not only has the ability to organize, store and manage the data effectively, but also has the ability to analysis the data and appreciate the effectualness of testing result intelligently has been applied in a testing plant of weaponry industry suc...

这个系统已在某兵器试验场实现,证明其能有效地组织、存贮、管理数据,且能用专家知识对数据进行智能分析,对试验结果的有效性进行鉴别。这个系统在开发中还成功地解决了专家系统与外部数据库的接口和西文Turbo Prolog的汉化问题。

You may only emblazon your weaponry at a Runeforge.


At first, his weaponry consisted of a standard issue Lee Enfield .303 rifle - sometimes two.


These projects are responsible for fleets of exotic space craft and advanced space and ground weaponry, and the secrecy surrounding them reinforces the need to cover up our existence and the consciousness transformation that you are going through.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
