英语人>网络例句>visitor 相关的网络例句

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与 visitor 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her publications appear in Australian Art Education, Curator, Museum Management and Curatorship, and Visitor Studies Today.

她的论文发表於《 Australian Art Education 》、《 Curator 》、《 Museum Management and Curatorship 》以及《 Visitor Studies Today 》。

The process of psychotherapy is a loge between the psychiatrist and the visitor . The role of the psychiatrist is to help the visitor recreative a new applied relation .


Within the function body, a parameter name such as visitor is a C++ reference , bound either to an actual argument passed by the caller or to the result of evaluating a default expression.

在函数体中,参变量名(比如 visitor )是一个 C++引用,绑定到调用者传入的真实参数或者默认表达式的计算结果。

Until today , we abide the style by servicing the visitor diligently,move the visitor with genuine feeling and return the visitor with love. Our company has much progress on quantity and multitude,also receive high report. In 1998 was appraised"social recognizedsatisfaction travel agency",1999 was appraised "No criticism last 5 years".We have first become the associator unit of Red Cross. Several years, Our agency trained many guide with high qulity,kind of many languages and respect-work.


OK, the Visitor pattern is composed of four parts: the visitable interface, the Visitor class, a Visitor, and a class that implements the visitable interface.


The thesis introduces the concept of visitor experience in nature tourist attractions,discusses the content and methods for visitor experience investigation and analysis,Sums up and assorts the factors that affect visitor experience and in the end expounds a series of means on visitor exp...


The thesis introduces the concept of visitor experience in nature tourist attractions,discusses the content and methods for visitor experience investigation and analysis,Sums up and assorts the factors that affect visitor experience and in the end expounds a series of means on visitor experience management.


Thesystem development to Delphi7.0 front end took the development kit,2,000 has carried on the development practice take SQL Server as thebackstage database and the ADO database visit technology, this systemrealized under the onstage processing function visitor registration,the registration revised, prearranges processing, the visitor tradesthe room, the visitor continues, the visitor returns a house, thevisitor ties the account guest room operation and the inquiry service,manager inquires, function and so on guest room establishment, userand jurisdiction, system maintenance.

系统开发以Delphi7.0作为前端开发工具,以SQL Server 2000为后台数据库和ADO数据库访问技术进行了开发实践,该系统实现了前台处理功能下的客人登记、登记修改、预定处理、客人换房、客人续住、客人退房、客人结账客房操作及查询业务、经理查询、客房设置、用户与权限、系统维护等功能。

Has a traditional old custom in England, is delivers cup of early tea in the early morning to the visitor, this awakens visitor's best method in the home, while convenient also may inquire the visitor the sleeping situation, by table care.


Has a traditional old custom in England, is delivers cup of early tea in the early morning to the visitor, this awakens visitor's best method in the home, while convenient also may inquire the visitor chairs the sleeping situation, by table care.


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One Lonely Visitor

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
