英语人>网络例句>vast 相关的网络例句
与 vast 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Huge government spending; huge country estates; huge popular demand for higher education; a huge wave; the Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains; immense numbers of birds; at vast expense; the vast reaches of outer space; the vast accumulation of knowledge...which we call civilization- W.R.


Winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains; immense numbers of birds; at vast expense; the vast reaches of outer space; the vast accumulation of knowledge...which we call civilization- W.R.


You even imagine he did, of a random shouting:"A vast and belay!"

你甚至也想像他那样随意大喊一声:"A vast and belay!"

In the meantime, chinese UniCom falls in support of your kind effort of national post office, phone of satellite of 15 VISA of constituent company and equipment of communication of 100 VAST microwave, urgent and airborne disaster area, with realizing safeguard of communication providing disaster relief.


The vast movements of the earth's curst created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zone.


You are the poem, let me have the inspiration which expressed You are the song, sing my long Tibet's in heart note You are the picture, let me have the dream which spread wipes You are the clock, knock my tight lock heart door You are the wind raise ,ripples you are the rain moisten my withered heart door leaf you are the fire let me have the burning desire you are the flower split decide the opening you are the mountain solid arm let me in mine heart snuggle up to you are the prairie vast chest hug me, you are big shake the Tao sound are your palpitation rush ,you are the dubhe tow I to lead the way the direction ,you are the rainbow let see the seven colors of the spectrum ray, you were the sun I bathe in the light are demented, you are the moon warmly caress my delightful dreamland I to rush to you: Herds in your vast chest snuggles up to listen to your pulse in your solid arm to shake, you are my illusion reposes, you are my mind relay station you are my soul companion ,you are in my heart spouse.


When the architect Frank Lloyd Wright arrived the desert in the Arizona, he sensed the gobi, the vast desert, the storm and the trace of Indian tribe, and perceived an imago of vast desert, alone boat and undulant tents, and transferred to be the architecture image of Taliesin West.


Waring and the vast majority of users will be vast numbers of users to work together for common development!


It suggests therefore that people should follow their instinct and"man-as-consumer considers the experience of pleasure an obligation, like an enterprise of pleasure and satisfaction; one is obliged to be happy, to be in love, to be adulating/adulated, seducing/seduced, participating, euphoric, and dynamic"Baudrillard believes that the ideology of consumption is"presented under the guise of gratification, of a facilitated access to affluence, of a hedonistic mentality, and of'freedom from the old taboos of thrift" The Titan is Dreiser's representation and encouragement of hedonism and consumerism Here, women become a subject consuming as well as an object being consumed In The Financier, we see what is promised for Cowperwood is"a world of mansions, carriages, jewels, beauty, a vast metropolis outraged by the power of one man, a great State seething with indignation over a force it could not control, vast halls of priceless pictures, a palace unrivaled for its magnificence, a whole world reading with wonder, at times, of a given name"Throughout The Trilogy, Cowperwood indulges in his pursuit of women, mansions and art objects I think Dreiser's representation of the hero's pursuit of women, mansions, objects of art indicates the inherent ideology--consumerism.


Similarly, I chose the word 'great' rather than 'vast' because the former alliterates with 'facing'.


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Deep Ocean Vast Sea
Small Figures In A Vast Expanse
The Vast Spoils Of America
Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
