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与 variable 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thereare two contributions in this paper. First, by regarding every base clustering as one attribute of the original data, it has found that the algorithm based on that is more extendable and flexible. Second, it designs a latent variable cluster ensemble model in this way and infers the algorithm of the model with Markov chain Monte Carlo approximation.

主要工作包括:第一,分析了把每一个基聚类器看成是原数据的一个属性这种处理方式的优越性,发现按此方法建立起来的聚类集成算法就具有良好的扩展性和灵活性;第二,在此基础之上,建立了latent variable cluster ensemble概率模型进行聚类集成,并且给出了LVCE 模型的Markovchain Monte Carlo算法。

The too complex consequence that considers Variable is code also as this complication and expanded.


Introduce Explaining Variable is particularly valuable with conditional logic in which it is useful to take each clause of a condition and explain what the condition means with a well-named temp.

Introduce Explaining Variable用来处理那种带有分支条件的逻辑特别有效,用一个取了个好名字的临时变量来代替每一个分支条件子句,变量的名字解释分支条件。

The discrete random numbers is generated from a continuous pseudo random variable with mean avg and standard deviation dev, dicretized by step size drv.

离散随机数值取自类真连续随机变数(MatLab pseudo random uniform variable rand or pseudo normal variable ranan)、并以等阶梯离散化。

In order to solve some problems in the traditional processor architecture, in the paper, we introduce the concepts, methods, and techniques of Variable Length Macro Instruction Words Microprocessor Architecture .

本文的主要工作是针对传统处理器指令系统设计与实现方法存在的问题,提出可变长宏指令体系微处理器的设计思想、方法、技术,记作为VLMIW(Variable Length Macro InstructionWords)。

Convention V-belt Continuously Variable Transmission, shifts gears the travel mechanism property fixed constraint, unable full into full play initiative control advantage, to engine and Transmission on the go to hold optimum match, Also takes into consideration acceleration and fuel consumption performance, so this paper research Motorcycles with an Electronically-Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission shift gears planning, to use motor power screw, we shall revolve motion changes rectilinear motion, to push driving sheaves achieved to change speed ratio; Comparison between analysis convention CVT speed ratio shift gears curves of acceleration and fuel consumption performance optimum curves, use engine can hold high performance output or low fuel consumption region run.

中文摘要传统皮带式无段变速器(Continuously Variable Transmission, CVT),换档行程由於机械特性的限制,无法完全发挥主动控制的优点,让引擎与变速器随时保持在最佳的匹配状态,同时顾及加速性能与燃油消耗,所以本文主要研究机车用电子控制式无段变速系统(Electronically Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission, ECVT)最佳换档规划,利用马达与动力螺杆,将旋转运动改变为直线运动,以推动主动滑轮达到改变减速比;分析传统CVT减速比换档曲线与最佳化曲线之加速性能及燃油消耗比较,使引擎能够保持较高性能输出或较低油耗区间运转。

Uninformative variable elimination and successive projections algorithm were combined to select wavelength from Vis-NIR spectroscopy. Eight wavelength variables, namely 673, 937, 963, 982, 989, 992, 995 and 1 008 nm, were selected.

采用无信息变量消除算法(uninformative variable elimination, UVE)与连续投影算法(successive projections algorithm, SPA)相结合选取光谱有效波长。

When the VARIABLE control is set all the way to the right at CAL, sweep rate values will become calibrated.

当VARIABLE (32)向右旋到CAL位置时,则依仪器出厂时的校正值,即此旋钮四周所显示的标示值。

Trypanosome escapes the immune reaction of host due to changing its' variable surface glycoprotein.

锥虫能通过不断改变膜表面变异糖蛋白(variable surface glyco- protein,简称 VSG),逃避宿主免疫反应。

A popup Add Variable box allows the user to specify the variable's address or label, type, and base.

弹出的 Add Variable 框可以指定变量地址、标识符、类型和数值。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
